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Posts posted by SlimJimmi1488303813

  1. Heeeeeey!

    I've got a slight problem that I need help with.

    I created an avatar in Blender and I have attached it to the avastar-1 rig. Everything deforms correctly in Blender; there are no obvious problems. However, when I export the avatar into second life, the mesh around the elbows becomes a bit twisted and out of place. I've tried resizing the avastar rig and also tried repositioning the bones/edited weight paint too. Does anyone have a solution?

    if anyone needs a screenshot to see what I mean, just ask and i'll post some up.


  2. Hey! This is the first time I've come on the forums, so I'm not sure if this is in the right place.

    Basically I have an idea....I think it would make building things and Sculpty exports easier if there was a seperate modelling program created for this purpose.
    for example...in this modelling program you can build objects, texture them, and have the ability to make sculpty maps - and all of these can be exported into the Second Life virtual world. I think this would make things alot easier in my opinion.

    what do you think?

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