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Annetta Susanowa

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  1. Skell.... Thanks so much for your advice. It is working perfectly. I had a bit of trouble renaming the Sticks, but now I have that sorted, I have done a few trials and it works perfectly. Thanks for your help too Nalates but I didn't want to switch to BOM. The advice was great though, if not suitable for my situation. I hope it helps someone else. Thanks again.
  2. Phew... I'm sure once it has been done a couple of times it is simpler than it sounds. Luckily I don't expect too many sets of clothes! Thanks for taking the time.
  3. Thanks for that. I'll give it a go. I put off switching to Mesh for so long but once I have this detail sorted out I am nearly there! I appreciate the help.
  4. Hi. Config - using Maitreya mesh body (non BOM). I use 'appearance' to save clothes combinations, but 'appearance' doesn't seem to save the differing avi configurations needed for the clothes. For example, if I save one set of clothes (Set 1) with lower legs turned off for the boots, then another set of clothes (Set 2) with the lower legs turned on, when I go back to 'Set 1', The lower legs are no longer turned off - I guess because 'Set 1' didn't store the necessary avi configuration.. Am I making a mistake or is this a limitation of 'appearance'? Is there another method I should be using to be able to switch from one complete configuration of avi, avi configuration and clothes all together in a single operation? I'd really appreciate help with this one! Hopefully I explained that clearly. Thanks all.
  5. Thanks for both replies. Appreciated. I expected as much but nice to know for sure.
  6. Are there any add-ons that move with the flesh, i.e. nipples that will move with a bouncing breast? Love the new movement but seeing my nipples left behind is kind of strange. Is this an impossible probnlem to overcome? Thanks
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