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Posts posted by norajulian1488303702

  1. Hiya, Stephie! I live in Japan (one hour ahead of you) and I certainly understand what it's like to have a hard time finding friends. I will be sure to send you a message in-world when I log in here in a few hours. SL is a beautiful place!

  2. Right now I'm on a green tea kick, as green tea is all the rage here in Japan where I'm living at the moment. Jasmine tea is another popular thing, but I can't seem to force myself to enjoy it. :)


    My name is Nora Goober (norajulian resident) and I have been in SL for 11ish years. I am an experienced manager of a little Community RP called the Town of Avon, based after RL Avon, Indiana (yes, we have corn). My main hobbies include obsessive creative landscaping and photoshopping until my eyes bleed. I cannot mesh to save my life, so thank goodness for creators, for I would be naked and afraid if it weren't for them. I would charge for my landscaping and start a business, but I don't know how much to charge, so.. kudos to you if you are experienced in SL stocks.

    Come be my friend. Contact me in world.

  4. Woo! I love photomanipulations!

    I'd love to be a dummy if you'd still like some practice!

    As for me- I tend to tip handsomly depending on how much I like it and how friendly the artist is :) I've tipped as much as double the original charge. So it's all depending on what you wish.  I think a solid 500L is a good starting price (I appreciate 500L because then I feel like I can add a tip without feeling like the artist overcharges because he or she doesn't think that they will recieve a tip- if that makes sense). 

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