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Hohes Alter

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Everything posted by Hohes Alter

  1. Paypal: I withdrew by Paypal as usual. Now I wait since weeks for the payment to arrive. Why?
  2. Paypal: I withdrew by Paypal as usual. Now I wait since weeks for the payment to arrive. Why?
  3. I would need a telephone number to be called from Austria, Europe. The published number for long-distance only handels payments within the US. And the toll free numbers I was given seems only to work if dialed from Germany. I would need any number for international(!) billing. I would prefer a toll free and German speaking, if possible. I call from Europe, but NOT from Germany. or any other land which is listed in the telephone-number's list. I tried everything to remove zeros and do add them, but I cannot get a connection. Thanks, Hohes Alter =================================== I was told this number to be valid from Europe: 008 007 123 7 123 But it does not work. Any ideas why?
  4. How to withdraw by Paypal? The site promises me links, but under the line it never works. I have the feeling, I can click the last link, but it never does. I try since weeks to withdraw my money.
  5. That easy, if you know it. Thank you so much! I spent hours by searching in vain. Hohes Alter
  6. I placed some sell-Lindens orders with limit. This limits I want to change. How? Thanks, Hohes Alter
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