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Posts posted by Rider415

  1. Hast du deinen Nahmen GENAU geschrieben?  Wenn du nur EINEN namen hast so zB  Kumpel  dann ist dein letzer name automatisch RESIDENT. 

    Irgendetwas ist nicht richtig an deiner Seite !

    Brauchst du Second Life Viewer ( Gruen?) oder Firestorm ( Brownish ) ?


    Kannst du an das Netz kommen ? 

    Wie alt ist dein Computer ?  hast du eine video Karte? wie alt ist die ?

    Entschuldige mein 'nicht so gutes Deutsch' ich bin Amerikaner.


    Bitte schreibe so viel wie du weisst was mit deiner maschine loss ist.  Was hast du versucht ?


  2. It is not Linden that creates the problem, it is the shop you bough it from, or the designer that caused this.

    Maybe if you send a note card to the designer of the clothing the designer can give you permission to 'both' wear the clothing.

    Try it, what do you have to lose ?


    but... Most good designers, who put a lot of work into their product.....Want you to buy items separately. While it is called Unisex, meaning it can be worn by a male or a female alike, you still have to pay for it twice. The male has to pay for it and the female has to pay for it. A couple for example could not buy it and then wear it one day as male, then the next day the female wears it.

    No, each avatar must have this 'unisex' item in his/her own inventory.

    That is how life is in Second Life.

    It makes sense if you think about it.

    If I were a designer and spend a lot of time on making good clothing..........I would want to get paid from each Avi that wears it later. NO! I would not want to sell it once and then have it passed around to everybody.

    Too much work for little money.


    Think about !   Please don't get mad.... It is the way things are......You can not change it !




  3. Sometimes we all have bad days. Sometimes it depends on how a question is asked to see a Demo. Sometimes Real Life comes in between the experience in Second Life. I am sure there are many other places where you can buy hair, skin, a dress or whatever you looked for. Just like in Real Life, in a Store in the mall for example, the sales person is a real person with her own problems and attitude. To blame the whole Mall ( Linden Lab or Second Life ) for this exchange of not so pleasant conversations is not fair on your part.

    Take a deep breath, let it go !

    Life is too short to worry about a pixel item.


    Enjoy SL !



  4. When Linden updates a main computer, it is possible that some small settings like having the door locked is overlooked.

    Just to back and lock the door again.  Nobody stole anything, nobody was in your house. 

    Sometimes this happens with all the doors that Linden has to checked.

    Imagine all the houses Linden has. To know which door is locked, which door is not locked, it would be very difficult to have a night watchman for each house.

    So when Linden fixes something on a big computer...........the unlock all they doors. Linden has a master key.

    Then Linden fixes stuff, and leaves. Sometimes they forget to lock the door again.


    Sorry !



  5. Gunjan,

    Please learn a lesson from your experience.

    Do NOT show off to your friends.......  They are all still laughing but YOU have the problem now.

    All will be OK in the end.... Meanwhile do as the others told you, I am sure you were not banned. It was just a series of mistakes that made you not be able to sign in.  Leave us all a message if your problem is solved, OK ?

    Enjoy SL !!!

  6. My dashboard shows I 'own' this house. I can move in, add people to come in, open the door, etc. But.... I can not rez anything on the floor. I cannot set up a chair for example. The room is totally empty and I can not set up a bed, a chair, anything...


    Why NOT ????


    I checked all my settings, yet..........??


    Yes, I have this house but what good is it if I can not decorated the way I want.


    It is a linden house, given to me as a Premium Member from Linden.


    HELP !!!

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