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Posts posted by AnthonyMann

  1. Sorry for the long explanation, but it's necessary.


    I have a homestead sim divided into two unequal parcels. Both Parcels are owned by Group A.  Parcel H supports 129 prims but has 900 on it. Parcel B supports 3402 and has about 2100 prims on it. There is a Group B that I want to have banning powers on Parcel B, but it doesn't work now, I think because of the group ownership to Group A.

    Because of the unequal prim allocation, I think both parcels need to be owned by the same group. I know that if I merely change Parcel B to Group B, I will lose or get prims returned from the Parcel H.


    So, how do I make the eject powers for Group B work on Parcel B?

    1. Could I deed both parcels to Group B and fix my group power problem? If so, how do I do that without having 700 prims returned from Parcel H during the process?

    2. Is there another way to  have Group A own Parcel H and Group B own Parcel B and still  'share' the prims between the two parcels? This would be the best if there is any way to do it.

    3. What if I personally owned the two parcels. Would there be a way to have Group A eject powers on Parcel H, and Group B powers on Parcel B?


    Sorry for the long post, and thanks for any guidance or suggestions for a problem fix.


  2. Trying to debug it now. When I compiled it it gave me a syntax error that I can't figure out. The position given in the syntax error is right before the word "timer".  Do I need to set a counter or something? Or is it a bracket thing?



               llPlaySound("8f438543-a18a-236f-9e97-629f18d852c7", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() / test);
                             llPlaySound("cf33a3f9-6b15-351d-af15-b71e1b0e36bb", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() * test);
                            open = FALSE;  // To make sure that the door opens properly next time
                             llSetTimerEvent(0.0);   // To shut off the timer so it doesn't try to close the door again.


  3. How does this look? I think this should start the timer event and close the door after 10 seconds, the reset the timer and closed state, and the the old part at the end would close the door if it was clicked before the 10 seconds expires. Would it be better to just delete the old closing event?

                        if (open)
                            llPlaySound("8f438543-a18a-236f-9e97-629f18d852c7", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() / test);



                    llPlaySound("cf33a3f9-6b15-351d-af15-b71e1b0e36bb", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() * test);

             open = FALSE;  // To make sure that the door opens properly next time

           llSetTimerEvent(0.0);   // To shut off the timer so it doesn't try to close the door again.


                            llPlaySound("cf33a3f9-6b15-351d-af15-b71e1b0e36bb", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() * test);

    It is lined up in Word, sort of sloppy here. I hope you can read it okay.

    Thanks for all your help, I know it can be tiresome to coax someone through things like this.

  4. Thank you for answering. I've studied your answer and I think I understand what you mean, but the execution is still way above my skill level.

    I think this is the opening event and the timer command goes in here.....

                        if (open)

    , 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() / test);


    and then the next group, after the 'else' , is the closing event.

    Not sure where to put the closeing/reset statements...


    Could you dumb it down for me a little? :D


    Thanks for your help!

  5. I have a door system that came with my rental box system. It works just fine, with the exception that everyone leaves their doors open because there is no automatic closing timer event. The script, because it integrates the rental system and such is too complex for my very basic scripting level. What and most importantly where-- would I have to insert to make the doors close after about 10 seconds and not screw up the functionality of the rental tie-in?

    Here is the script--

    string owner="";
    integer rented = 0;
    integer open=FALSE;
    integer waitingforping = FALSE;
    key candidate = "";
    key listeningunit = NULL_KEY;
    list additionaltenants=[];
            llListen(77777, "", "", "");
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if (llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner() && id != llGetOwner())
                list tmp = llParseString2List(message,["|"],[]);
                list tmp2 = llParseString2List(message,["@"],[]);
                if (llList2String(tmp2,0)=="ADDTNTS")
                    if (id == listeningunit)
                        tmp2 = llParseString2List(llList2String(tmp2,1),["#"],[]);
                        integer x;
                        for(x=0; x<llGetListLength(tmp2); x=x+2)
                            additionaltenants+=[llList2Key(tmp2, x)];   
                if (llList2String(tmp,0)=="REXTR")
                    if (waitingforping)
                        waitingforping = FALSE;
                        candidate = id;
                        llParticleSystem([7, 6.0, 1, <1,1,1>, 3, <0,0,1>, 2, 1.0, 4, 0.5, 5, <0.07, 0.07, 0.1>, 6, <0.1,0.1,0.1>, 13, 0.01, 15, 2, 16, 0.1, 17, 3.0, 18, 3.0, 8, <0,0,-0.4>, 22, 0.0, 23, PI, 21, <0,0,1>, 19, 0.0, 0, PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK | PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK, 9, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP, 20, id, 12, "chain"]);
                        llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Please watch the particles emitting from the door. Are they going to the correct unit?",["YES","NO"],77777);
                    else if (id == listeningunit)
                        key user = llList2Key(tmp,2);
                        if (user != NULL_KEY)
                            owner = user;
                            rented = 1;
                            owner = llGetOwner();
                            rented = 0;    
            else if (id == llGetOwner() && candidate != "")
                if (message == "YES")
                   owner = llGetOwner();
                   llRegionSay(-77777, "CLAPI"+(string)candidate+"-Reset|"+(string)owner+"|0");    
                   listeningunit = candidate;
                candidate = "";
        on_rez(integer j)
        touch_start(integer j)
            for(j--; j>-1; j--)
                if (llDetectedKey(j)==llGetOwner() && owner == "")
                    waitingforping = TRUE;
                    llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Please touch the rental unit that you want to link to this door.",["OK"],-1);
                    integer found = llListFindList(additionaltenants,[llDetectedKey(j)]);
                    if (llDetectedKey(j)!=owner && llDetectedKey(j) != llGetOwner() && found==-1 && rented)
                        llPlaySound("f6ffb2dc-b880-ef60-e958-541d1493f813", 1.0);
                        llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(j),"You have no permission to use this door.");   
                        if (open)
                            llPlaySound("8f438543-a18a-236f-9e97-629f18d852c7", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() / test);
                            llPlaySound("cf33a3f9-6b15-351d-af15-b71e1b0e36bb", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() * test);
    string owner="";
    integer rented = 0;
    integer open=FALSE;
    integer waitingforping = FALSE;
    key candidate = "";
    key listeningunit = NULL_KEY;
    list additionaltenants=[];
            llListen(77777, "", "", "");
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if (llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner() && id != llGetOwner())
                list tmp = llParseString2List(message,["|"],[]);
                list tmp2 = llParseString2List(message,["@"],[]);
                if (llList2String(tmp2,0)=="ADDTNTS")
                    if (id == listeningunit)
                        tmp2 = llParseString2List(llList2String(tmp2,1),["#"],[]);
                        integer x;
                        for(x=0; x<llGetListLength(tmp2); x=x+2)
                            additionaltenants+=[llList2Key(tmp2, x)];   
                if (llList2String(tmp,0)=="REXTR")
                    if (waitingforping)
                        waitingforping = FALSE;
                        candidate = id;
                        llParticleSystem([7, 6.0, 1, <1,1,1>, 3, <0,0,1>, 2, 1.0, 4, 0.5, 5, <0.07, 0.07, 0.1>, 6, <0.1,0.1,0.1>, 13, 0.01, 15, 2, 16, 0.1, 17, 3.0, 18, 3.0, 8, <0,0,-0.4>, 22, 0.0, 23, PI, 21, <0,0,1>, 19, 0.0, 0, PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK | PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK, 9, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP, 20, id, 12, "chain"]);
                        llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Please watch the particles emitting from the door. Are they going to the correct unit?",["YES","NO"],77777);
                    else if (id == listeningunit)
                        key user = llList2Key(tmp,2);
                        if (user != NULL_KEY)
                            owner = user;
                            rented = 1;
                            owner = llGetOwner();
                            rented = 0;    
            else if (id == llGetOwner() && candidate != "")
                if (message == "YES")
                   owner = llGetOwner();
                   llRegionSay(-77777, "CLAPI"+(string)candidate+"-Reset|"+(string)owner+"|0");    
                   listeningunit = candidate;
                candidate = "";
        on_rez(integer j)
        touch_start(integer j)
            for(j--; j>-1; j--)
                if (llDetectedKey(j)==llGetOwner() && owner == "")
                    waitingforping = TRUE;
                    llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Please touch the rental unit that you want to link to this door.",["OK"],-1);
                    integer found = llListFindList(additionaltenants,[llDetectedKey(j)]);
                    if (llDetectedKey(j)!=owner && llDetectedKey(j) != llGetOwner() && found==-1 && rented)
                        llPlaySound("f6ffb2dc-b880-ef60-e958-541d1493f813", 1.0);
                        llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(j),"You have no permission to use this door.");   
                        if (open)
                            llPlaySound("8f438543-a18a-236f-9e97-629f18d852c7", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() / test);
                            llPlaySound("cf33a3f9-6b15-351d-af15-b71e1b0e36bb", 0.7);
                            //This stuff makes sure it works well as part of a linkset too
                            vector axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>;
                            rotation test=llAxisAngle2Rot(axis, 1.570796);
                            llSetLocalRot(llGetLocalRot() * test);


  6. Okay, trying to work with MLVP2. I'm following the wiki tutorial and all that. I'm editing the positions of the animations, and two of them are about 20 m higher that what I set them at, but the first one worked okay. This is the positions after a dump.

    [04:50] {Chill} <1.312,-3.756,0.417> <1.2,0.8,20.0>
    [04:50] {Knee up} <159.151,113.583,1196.782> <0.0,0.0,-180.0>
    [04:50] {Leaning} <159.151,113.591,1197.078> <0.0,0.0,177.9>"


    The knee up and leaning are very different from the Chill....the chill is the one that is more or less working.


    Also, anyone have any better instructions on offsetting the height? When adjusted corectly, the poseball is IN the seat or under the water of the tub I'm working on......which way/how do I adjust the ball higher ?



  7. I have a nice ski lodge/ tavern/ inn on Marketplace that could be modified into a gaming hall.  I get the idea you are building in a skybox though, but it's still workable. Take a look at Hooligan Creations on Marketplace to see my stuff.

  8. if the new prim is farther than about 30m from the root prim of your link set, you'll get that error, even if it's under 256 prims.

    I usually build in 'sets' and lable them "North 1st Floor, south 1st Floor, North 2nd Floor" etc.

    Then, as a temporary save, you can hit Ctrl3, box all of them to get everything selected, and then 'take copy' of the whole build (even though it is two or three or five linksets). Find it in your inventory (I use the 'recent' feature) and then rename it so you can find it again.

    After you complete this really big build, use a rezzer like Casper's Rezz-free or something similar to pack it all away into one prim for resale or just to keep it easy on yourself for re-rezzing and moving/adjusting the entire build.


  9. I just made a really nice build that includes two hot tubs. The hot tub scripts are on two different channels. It was all packed up into a Casper Rezz-Free box. The entire build rezzes properly, with each peice rezzing over the rezz-free box and then moving into position. The problem is that the water from the hot tubs stays over the box and doesn't move to the hot tubs.

    The water prim itself is inside the hot tub, and rezzes when the tub rezzes (but then the water stays behind when the tub moves into it's position in the build).

    The question...in the hot tub script is

    Init_Water()                                    // To Rez Water or to Reset it
        llSay(WATER_CHANNEL,"WATER DIE");           // Kill any Water we have running
        WATER_POS = llGetPos();                     // Fetch the tubs coords and calculate
        WATER_POS.z = WATER_POS.z + .01;            // Water start position and rotation
        WATER_ROT = llGetRot();  
                                                    // Finally, rez the water    


    so, if I read this right, this kills any 'water' prims around, then rezzes a new one based on the tubs position.

    is there any way to delay this rezzing of the water until after the tub moves into position? say about 3 seconds?


    Thanks for any help, I'm no scripter, that's for sure :)

  10. I just made a really nice build that includes two hot tubs. The hot tub scripts are on two different channels. It was all packed up into a Casper Rezz-Free box. The entire build rezzes properly, with each peice rezzing over the rezz-free box and then moving into position. The problem is that the water from the hot tubs stays over the box and doesn't move to the hot tubs.

    The water prim itself is inside the hot tub, and rezzes when the tub rezzes (but then stays behind when the tub moves into it's position in the build).

    The question....is this a script fix in the hot tub script, the water script, or do I need to rezz the water separately with the Rezz-Free tracker script? Or is there something else I'm not seeing? Any other workarounds would be appreciated.



  11. I suggest this. FInd the cuffs and collar in your outfit. This will give you the proper name of them. (such as !!GAWK!! R cuff ). Then do an inventory search on that exact spelling. You should get every instance of that spelling in your inventory, including the links and the original cuffs. Now you know where the original cuffs are, and the original other peices sould be in the same folder, clear your search so you can see them all in the new folder.

    If you do this and find that the item is missing from that folder, then it may be a number of other things. It may download if you log on and back on again, or it may download when your internet connection clears up (or LL labs does).

    I have had things disappear for a few days before, then turn up when a full download of my inventory comes back. However, sometimes things (especially no copy items) sometimes get rezzed where you can't get to them again and you just have to break down and buy a new one.


  12. If someone at a sandbox is watching me build, can they select my full perm object and 'take copy' of it?

    My wife, who has edit permissions, did this to one of my builds and has a NoCopy/NoMod/Trans copy of it in her inventory. It was automatically set Nocopy/Nomod. This made us wonder if a person who is not friended or does not have edit permissions, could they take a copy of my build since it was still 'full perms' when I was working on it?



  13. I have installed several doors into some of my builds. The scripts I use have a 'channel' for the door set and I have to make each door set a different channel number. If I don't, when you click on the north set of doors, all the doors in the house open (those with the same channel number).

    Anyway, since it's the same house, perhaps the door scripts are on the same channel ? Worth looking at.....


  14. I have just completed a large build of over 200 prims using full perm textures, scripts and sculpty maps.

    Is there an easy way to set the whole object as Copy/Mod/NoTrans or do I have to go into each prim and set it there?

    If it is Mod, will people be able to deconstruct the build and get the scripts and sculpty maps?

    How do I avoid any legal tangles before I sell this thing on Marketplace?


    Thanks in advance, I always get good advice and some nice tips here (and I notice it's usually the same group of people) :)

    • Like 1
  15. I had to eject and ban a griefer from my parcel. He now hangs out on adjacent parcels. I have also ejected him from my group.

    Two things,

    first...I have ejected him 5 times from my group, yet he keeps getting group membership back. He has been muted in the group to stop his rantings, but is there a way to prevent him from rejoining the group? I have reduced my autogreeters range to stay only within my parcel, and I have removed a group members ability to invite to group. I figure he is going throught the search engine, so I removed my group from there. I would rather keep just him out than have all my other members inconvenienced.

    second...after he was banned I found an object (a fire) on my parcel that listed him as the owner. How did he get it on there? Can a banned person rez things into the parcel that they are banned from?

    I have filed 3 AR's against him so far, and requested that an Estate Ban be placed on him as well. Is there anything else I can do to be rid of this guy?

    Thanks for any help or ideas

  16. SL viewer worked fine on my new HP laptop through several versions,  then I downloaded the new 2.8 viewer. When the install program asked if I would like to launch the viewer, I said yes and it worked just fine, as always.

    But after I logged off that first time, and I tryed to log on again, it would just get to "initializing VFS' then crash and send an error report. Today, they came out with another update, I installed that, and selected 'no' to launch the viewer from the intall. Now I get to 'initializing VFS' then an error message saying 'update my graphics driver'

    I downloaded the beta viewer and the same thing happened. It will run from the installer, but not after that.

    I've downloaded firefox and I use that temporarily, but I was used to SL viewer and I want it back.

    Is there some kind of fix for this? I run SL on an HP Pavilion dv6-3250us with an Intel(R) HD Graphics driver and a i5 Core processor 2.67GHz and running Windows 7 Home Premium.



    I tried valerie's link, and tried the items there (deleting the appdata folder, etc) then 2.8.1 would start in basic mode, but gave me the same error message of 'update your graphics card'.


    So, I'm now using SL Viewer 6.9, and happy with it. Thanks!


    Thanks for your time and expertise! i am very grateful that there are knowledgeable people out there that take the time to read these things and help folk out.





    All the fixes I find seem to be about graphics drivers, but that doens't fix my laptop and it's Intel driver.


  17. I have some shops that I would like to rent out. They are 10x10 and 10x15 and right next to each other, as a main street store front. Is there a way for me to rent out the proper floor space of each building, even though I can't make land parcels that size?

    What about the second floor? Can I rent them out as an apartment over the shop? How do I go about doing this?

    I have rental boxes and such, and that has been by parcel of land. Not sure how to do it any other way, but I've seen skyscrapers full of apartments.


    thanks in advance

  18. I have the same problem. SL viewer worked fine on my new HP laptop, then I downloaded the new 2.8 viewer. When the install program asked if I would like to launch the viewer, it worked just fine. But I get the same messages you do when I try to start it now. I downloaded the beta viewer and the same thing happened. It will run from the installer, but not after that.

    I've downloaded firefox and I use that temporarily.


    All the fixes I find seem to be about graphics drivers, but that doens't fix my laptop and it's Intel driver.

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