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Satsu Faith

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Posts posted by Satsu Faith

  1. 2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Out of curiosity can you say what you didn't like about it? I'm always in the group helping people with their heads.. I mean if it is something that can be helped,I'd be more than happy to give it a try..If it is one of the bugs or something else..

    I know it's in beta and some things can't be worked out until the final release..

    I didn't like the way the hud was made though to be fair, I dont like the hud from Catwa either. I love my animation addons and the ones I have, doesn't work on the Genus head. Lastly, the skins I tried from the skin creators I like the most, didn't look good with the shape I made. I might try the head again later but for now, I love Lelutka and Catwa more.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    If you are still looking at heads ,you should take a look at the Genus project head..

    It's in beta right now but they have a demo..

    There is not much you can do with the demo as far as trying on skins and makeup since the demo is not omega compatible and doesn't come with a hud..There are three heads in the pack with a different skin tone each..

    But you can see how it works with the sliders..

    A lot That i've told about it have liked it a lot..

    Just figured I would give it a mention,if you hadn't tried it already..

    Thanks! I actually have a Genus head on this account and don't like it. I ended up buying Lelutka Chloe 7 days ago and yesterday bought Catwa Uma. 

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  3. I recently made an alt a few days ago and when I was trying out heads, I went and grabbed a few heads from LAQ, Lelutka and Catwa. Once I was ready to try the LAQ heads, I forgot to grab the demo hud from the store and that's one of the many reasons I didn't choose one of her heads. I always try makeup, eyebrows, and lashes when I demo heads, and since my computer is a piece of junk, I didn't want to bother with the loading time just to grab a stupid demo hud  for something I wouldn't have actually liked in the end.


  4. On 9/14/2018 at 1:39 AM, Marianne Little said:

    My advice is to check out LAQ heads.

    The head and the animation hud is sold separately, so you can buy the head now, for 1500L, and save up for the animation hud, that also cost 1500L.

    The LAQ hud is 3000L not 1500L.

  5. Hello!

    I just opened my store and I am looking for an artist to design my logo, my unpack hud texture and maybe an applier hud texture. Please send me a tell inworld for more information. I also created a new alt and contact me on AshleyxGraves. You can also contact WhisperxGraves, hes my CSR and Boyfriend.

    Thank you!

  6. 1 minute ago, Coby Foden said:

    If the furnishing is no-mod it would be nice if there were two options when taking a house:
    1. Fully furnished.
    2. Not furnished.
    And I do hope that the houses won't be so enormously huge that they would cover the whole 1024 square meters of the parcel. It would be nice to have some land for garden too, for example.

    It's funny that LL didn't ask what kind of houses people would like in the new Linden home parcels. Now they just do what they think what people perhaps might like. Anyway, it's interesting to see what comes up.

    Those options would be nice and I was thinking about the same thing as well. I hope we can decorate outside and add things.

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