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Landreu Severine

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Posts posted by Landreu Severine

  1. Hey all~!

    I'm currently looking to expand my sim with a homstead. Please reply here or contact Lanmew Snowpaw, Arudora Resident or Landreu Severine in-world with an offer and tier-date. Will pay for transfer, rename and agreed apon price.


    Money is ready in paypal, can move on this as soon as you like.


    Thank you for your consideration,


  2. Again, this is only happening within SL periodically. No other program or game is effected.

    My PC is new, has an open case. And a http://www.japanese-sushi.net/vornado733bfullsizeaircirculatorfanblack-p-1727.html fan that I bought in japan, circulating air within the case. It is dust free and the CPU fan, GPU fan, chassis fan and PSU fan are all operating optimally. The whole rig minus the massive vaccume of a fan is really quiet. The room it is in is Air conditioned to a cosy 62degrees year around. 

  3. Yeah, thought that it might be a texture loop or loading issues in SL. I've visited several sand boxes, different sims and such. The FPS will change from 14-30 depending on particles, sculpt and script usage but it still has random drops to 0, tried different accounts, avatars and whatnot. Its just.. Second life, whatever it is that is causing it.

    As for diagnostics, I've been looking <_>.. if someone could help me find one that would be super sexy, many kudos. I still suspect a power, or GPU issuem, just dunno why it's only effecting SL, if there is one.



  4. Cartainly not, just hoping something usefull will come of this post.

    I'd be perfectly happy having an excuse to upgrade my GFX and Power. On the other hand if I do that and SL is still being lame I'm gonna be pretty unhappy, I'd prefer to stabalize whatever the issue is now before I invest in my PC further.

  5. I'm really confused by this one, so here it goes.


    Currently when I use Second Life viewer 2, old school or phoenix viewer, my viewer will periodically go from its normal 34FPS to 0, stay there a second and go back. randomly, mostly when I'm doing anything, still often enough to be annoying when I'm just standing still typing.

    It seems most frequently when I'm loading my inventory or using a menu. I do not experience any lag, pausing or freezing in any other program while the client is freezing up. I do not experience any issues in other media like portal 2 or WOW, and I've always had my setting turned up very high.

    This issue is not remedied by updating or rolling back drivers, turning down any Second life settings or updating rolling back direct X.

    This only started happening after I had a GFX issue where my GPU possibly had been running to to little power. I suspected I needed a new GFX, but it is suspect since everything runs fine, except SL. I am wondering, since the issues seems to happen mostly when using an inventory, typing or loading a menu. If it has something to do with loading 2d and 3d at the same time?


    I'm fairly boggled at the moment, I'll post my computer statistics below provided by CPU-Z;

    Motherboard: ASUSTeK M4A77TD

    Memory: 4096(DDR3) Dual channels

    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965

    GPU: Radeon HD 5770 (core: 850 mhz) (Mem 1024MB)


    Also my CPs seems to bounce between 3415MHz and 804MHz during the FPS drop. I assume cause 0FPS isn't processing much, but who knows O_O

    I've tried setting the affinity to one processor, enabling and disabling multiple threads, and changing its priority. I'm stumped, at this point I might need to switch out hardware.

    I'm more concerned with what might be causing ONLY SecondLive viewers to be having this issue, whene very other graphically intence program I run seems fluid and streamed. I can even run WOW and SL at the same time on seperate monitors and wow will run smoothly while SL freezes up randomly as mentioned before..

    This only started a week or two ago.


    Thanks for the help :D




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