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Queenie Charisma

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  1. Hi, Doses anyone know where I can get a left-handed hold (fist) pose to put into objects like a flower,etc.? I just bought one and it wasn't what I'm looking for. I don't want the arms to move, just hand clapsed around whatever object I'm holding in my hand.
  2. I'm looking for animations for the left hand also because my avi wears a cane in her right hand. It's difficult because it seems that most animations like smoking, eating, holding are for the right hand. If I find one, I'll let you know. But on the subject of holding, I'm looking for an animation I can put into objects that will make my avi hold an object (hand clapsed around object). I tried Qavimator, but it only lets me control the hand and not the fingers. Any suggestions where I can find an animation? I've bought several on the marketplace only to find that they only work for the right hand.
  3. Wow! Thanks so much...I tried making one in QAnimator, but when I got it into second life, her arm went back up again. I didn't know how to make the animation stay & not stop automatically. Thanks so much.
  4. I'm trying to find a left handed hold pose to add to an object. I can't seem to find one. (for holding a bag of groceries to my chest). Does anyone have one? Thanks
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