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Everything posted by mrzeus7

  1. Ok, this sounds good. I was hoping for something more like one script for the whole avatar, but it seems one per attachment is the next best Besides that change, it's pretty much what I was thinking of doing. I'm having trouble finding the function that would get all the linked prims, though. After that, I would loop through and check if the name/desc has some keyword in it and, if it does, act on it using llSetLinkPrimativeParamsFast?
  2. Hi, I'm pretty new to scripting and this project (if its possible) will be my biggest attempt at scripting. Basically, I have an avatar (a free iron man one) and I want to be able to recolor certain prims at one time (also possibly changing glow and shininess parameters). What I was originally planning is to go and name the prims I want to recolor something (say, "color1") and then using a script, I would find all with that name and use llSetPrimativeParams on each one. Buuuut I've noticed that you can't seem to use that on a prim that isn't the scripted prim. Is there any other way to do this? Thanks!
  3. Yeah, it didn't seem like it would be outright against the rules. If only I remembered where I picked my copy of it up... If I did, I'd go to the "fake" (for lack of a better word) item places on the Marketplace and post the free link. Still looking for it though, I'd love to ruin these guys' day!
  4. I'm wondering if its generally accpetable to do this? It astounds me that people take this *AWESOME* boxed Iron Man avatar and resell it. It's not like they take it and customize it themselves, they just flat out sell it for L while usually taking away permissions. I guess this is more of a rant than anything. I feel bad because the creator of this avatar obviously spent a lot of time and they gave it as a gift to the community (According to http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/2478081691/, it's made by Johnny Dusk originally). Personally, I have been customizing this for over a week to make it fit me more, I'm just saddened by people passing it off as their own and trying to make money off of it. Does this kind of thing happen often?
  5. I know second life doesn't really have any sort of joint system (which is a shame!) but I was wondering how possible it was to create joints out of existing things. I'm mainly looking for an axis-type joint for a kinetic sculpture type thing I'm working on. Someone has suggested putting a sphere in a bigger hollowed sphere and I've tried that and it works, but theres a bit of friction (even when choosing something like glass as the material) and that seems to be more of a ball-joint type thing. I've tried using a similar technique with other prims, but I've had no luck :( Does anyone here have any ideas? Thanks!
  6. I think that will work well - two questions, though. Is there any way to adjust the friction besides setting them both to glass? And is there a way to make it work on only one axis? The sphere in sphere seems to be more of a ball-joint. I've tried using toruses and all but it seems to have more friction (which I don't want). I've tried using a cylinder but how it hollows, it hollows a hole through the the whole thing instead of leaving a bit of solid on the flat parts. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I'm new to SL and it seems like there is no way to create physical links between two objects besides static. I want to create some physics-based objects. Kinetic sculpture-type things. Is the only way to do this to script it? If so, are there any particular examples that would be helpful? I've been looking around for them but I haven't been successful so far.
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