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Myst Leissa

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Posts posted by Myst Leissa

  1. _Personally_ I think the informaton on this topic is quite confusing, Magic Boxes were supposed to have been done away with at the time of direct delivery, and now your saying that direct delivery will be done away with for this new market system?

    Let me explain my problem with this whole idea.

    People (who shall remain nameless) still are following the older methods/codes/whatever to this day about how the marketplace operates, creating -yet another fork- is a bad idea because people still believe that the old systems are still in place. Worse yet, some people believe the very technicalities that were Associated with the old ways are still current (which they are not) IF you decide to change the market just one more time, I would advise making it beyond perfect, so you never need to update it again.


    Otherwise feel free to deal with misinformation at your leisure (or detriment) in any way you see fit; after all LL it's YOUR product.

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