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Nidania Nightfire

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Everything posted by Nidania Nightfire

  1. Thanks guys that is interesting feedback. I was expecting more people to have similar SL and RL interests. It does make sense though, I guess SL would be boring if it was just like our RL haha
  2. Thanks for the replies so far. I'm actually more interested in knowing if people who have a passion for skins and fashion in Second Life (either as a creator, or just as someone who loves to buy these and look good in SL), if they also have a strong interest in these industries in real life. I look forward to your comments.
  3. Thanks so much, I just accepted your invite. My computer is having issues and I need a new one soon, so you may not see me online for a bit but I'll be back!
  4. I'm taking a survey to get a feel for people's interests in-world vs. in real life. For example, does someone who creates skins and clothing in Second Life also have the same interests in real life? (ie - working in fashion, or becoming a make-up artist) I work in the beauty industry in real life and train people to become make-up artists and to earn an extremely good living in this field, and the reason I'm doing this survey is because I always look for people who are PASSIONATE about the beauty industry and about helping other people look their best and bring out their true beauty. I'd really love to meet people passionate about this, and am looking for some ideas on how to meet people in SL with this passion. From my own experience in Second Life I have found people who are very passionate in SL about this, and I'm curious if this reflects or spills over into their real life interests. I look forward to your feedback. Nidania
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