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Sal Lichlore

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Everything posted by Sal Lichlore

  1. I am still having issues when trying to log into Secondlife. I have tried all suggestions that I have seen so far and still to no avail. I deleted my cache, deleted all folders completely, uninstalled all viewers, defragged the pc, did a disk clean up afterwards. Reinstalled the beta viewer and still when I try to log in I get as far as "Waiting for Region Handshake" then it stops loading and tells me that there is a problem with my internet connection or the grid. The internet connection works fine and it says that the grid is online. I am gettin very frustrated as I havent been able to get on in a week now and cant feed my vamp which is now destroyed. Any suggestions anyone has now are very welcome and hopefully I can get back to enjoying my game. Thanks
  2. Tried all of your suggestions myself as this is the same problem I am having and still cannot log in. Still gettin the same error. Uninstalled all viewers on my pc and deleted all files on my pc and then after defragging my pc I downloaded the beta viewer and still cannot log in and still get the same thing about waiting for region handshake and then it gives me the error that something is wrong with my net or the grid. I havent been able to get on SL in almost a week and it is gettin very frustrating.
  3. I am having an issue when logging into Secondlife... I updated the SL2 viewer yesterday with a mandatory update that would supposedly allow me to log into Secondlife as normal. The evening before the update Secondlife worked fine. I installed the update and after installing the update I tried to log in as usual and it gets to the part waiting for Region Handshake and then stops and gives me an error message, basically an issue with either my internet connection or the SL Grid. My internet connection is working fine and I have no firewalls, and I have deleted all cache and yet I cannot connect from my home now, however I had someone at another location log into my account and they were able to log in fine... any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
  4. I tried to log into SL yesterday and saw that there was a mandatory update for my viewer to take place before I could log in. I did the update, and after the update was finished now I cannot log into SL with either the updated SL2 viewer or Phoenix viewer. I get as far as waiting for Region Handshake then it gives me a message box saying that there is a problem with either my internet connection or the SL Grid. I have tried multiple times to log in now for two days, and my iternet connection is fine. My account could be logged into by someone else for me on another pc but now that I have done this update I cannot use SL. Any suggestions here that can help me? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Tried to clear all cache as suggested, all is cleared and PC restarted and still get the failed Region Handshake on both Phoenix and SL2 viewers. Again Internet is still working fine. Any other suggestions?
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