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Posts posted by ChuckBaggett1488303079

  1. My old computer that I'm stuck with for the time being doesn't do SSE2 instructions.

    Any chance that any V2 based viewer, from Ll or 3rd party, will ever work on this old machine?

  2. "Trimming Hedges" is it. I knew there was something "cute" about the name. I suspected the H for the initial of the last name.

    Somehow my brain had decided the name had something to do the Monopoly board game, which I now conclude was a total fabrication.  Mislead by that line of thought, I'd have never have figured it out.

    "Les White" had a black avatar, and the name "Les White". This struck me as extremely funny.

  3. If you forget to check the "Email me when someone replies" checkbox when you first post, how do you do it later?

    I'm not wanting to subscribe to an RSS feed, so the item in Options for subscribing to an RSS feed, which you read with a Feed reader, doesn't seem to be  what I'm looking for.

    Three people have given the same answer, so don't give that answer again.


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