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Geek Scientist

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Everything posted by Geek Scientist

  1. When USA go to war it has always been about exploiting resources of other countries. Once it was oil. This time it seem to be minerals and metals. 3 trillion dollars worth of lithium. (Google it to know more) So if war cost 1 trillion dollars it is still worth it. And money does not really have any real value, it is always about something more usefull than piece of paper with a dollar sign on it. USA just like all other countries obey the world bank. And only handfull of people know who really control world bank. Our whole system been based on exploiting the weak for thoulsands of years. And it is getting worse and worse. It may last for couple hundreds of years more, but not forever. If earth is lucky our system collapses before we have destroyed the whole ecosystem. If humans are lucky some of them survive and can start the stone age once again. But it is very likely that we make the same mistakes over and over again. This is all very depressing but the milk has been spilled. We cant go back. We can just try to enjoy the ride and try to live our lifes without causing too much harm to the earth and other people. Some take bigger steps toward better world, some smaller. If it makes you feel any better: In the end sun will consume earth. (some say that humans might shoot themselfs to space, and there maybe once was that option, but personally i think the window for that has been closed long time ago. We took wrong path and now it is too late for that)
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