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Jewels Jameson

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Everything posted by Jewels Jameson

  1. Want to be part of an amazing team? Come join our friendly atmosphere. And be a part of something special not just another club! Club Karma is currently hiring Host's and Manager's. Must be able to commit to a schedule, be a team player, friendly and speak English well. Pay is 100 percent tips. Club specializes in various genres of Electronic Music. Open 24/7..various slots open to meet your timezone. If interested Apply at the links below! ۩ For Host's: http://goo.gl/forms/YgncMsiFQH ۩ For Mng's: http://goo.gl/forms/dDekO9jBEk Club Karma: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mental%20Eclipse/112/233/22 ❊ ФЛΞ ТΞΛM ФЛΞ VłSłФЛ ФЛΞ ÐЯΞΛM КΛЯMΛ ❊ 
  2. Electric Club is hiring experienced Hosts. Pay is 100% Tips. Candidates Must Be Able to: - Send Notices In Electric VIP Group - Greet Guests and keep the Party Alive - Commit to a scheduled time of your choosing - Be a Team player If you feel you meet these requirements and would like to join a fun Drama Free family please apply here: http://www.electricclubsl.com We Look forward to having you join our team!! Club Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ELECTRIC/126/128/22
  3. Electric is Looking for Shift Managers This is a paid position plus 100 Percent Tips! Candidates must be able to: - Commit to a schedule and work in a professional manner - Be able to confirm the staff for your scheduled set - Be able to send notices in SL and Facebook - Be able to be active and help hosts greet guests - Be able to watch the club and deal professionally with any issues that should occur during scheduled set. If interested and think you meet these requirements please apply online at: http://www.electricclubsl.com Club Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ELECTRIC/129/128/22 Manager Contacts: Tamara Snook or Jewels Jameson
  4. Electric Club is looking for motivated fun people to join our team. If interested apply online here: http://www.electricclubsl.com Club Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ELECTRIC/205/129/22 Managers = Paid Position (Experience Preferred) Hosts = 100% Tips DJs = 100% Tips (Only Live Mixing DJs)
  5. KIU Dance Club is hiring Hosts and Live Mix Quality DJs. If your interested in joining our team just stop by the club between 6 AM to 6 PM SLT and ask any manager for an application. They will be happy to assist you. Or IM inworld Racheal Feld, Cocette Cerise, or Freakshow Zsun (DJ Manager). Friendly and Fun Environment!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ceres/192/199/22
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