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Meaty Coleslaw

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  1. just saw your post and if your still looking we are in the kingdom of white horse SL name is Meaty Coleslaw I currently have around 12 people in my line however we are the number 2 kingdom in TE and a great bunch as well if your still looking IM me and im sure I can find a nice plce for you in my line Thanks for looking Meaty Coleslaw
  2. Hi we are a RL and SL couple we are on most days for quite a bit as we are older and semi retired. we play some of the best table games in SL such as everyone's favorite Greedy, Simopolis, On-A-Roll, Pentadee and Clued up. n a couple of low cost zyngo machines to if you like that sorta thing. we are somewhat shy in nature especially my wife. she tends to be the quiet one of our group till she gets to know you. If you like to play these types of games feel free to contact us inworld and lets get together and play. we are not hung up on many aspects of a person as long as he or she can be honest in who and what they are. just so you know it may not be an easy thing with my wife she has a bit of a short term memory problem so bringing up past events might be a bit hard for her to recall but she is a blast to be around all the time. just a heads up for your consideration we play all of these games a lot so her remembering how to play is not a problem. hope to hear from some of you out there soon. if you want to play games with a fun competitive table gamer then hit us up. Meaty Coleslaw or Sweetontweety Coleslaw
  3. i have a problem that seems to have become very annoying to me. on more than one occasion i have placed an object in/near/close to my house and have gone to take/delete the object later to come back and find part of my house missing in the process. if i catch it when it happens i simply look in the trash and find it rerezz it and place it back in place a pain but doable. what id like to do or find is a solution to lock or guard against me accidentally doing this as it does take some time to fix as i am a more than cappable builder im comfortable with it but when it happens with my wife she is torn up over it simply because she knows how long it took me to get it prfect for us. is this a fixable problem or mearly something i have to put up with in SL. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated. i do hav an alt and thought about having this alt rez the house(BTW it uses a faux rezz process for the record) house is around 225 prims empty. My wife will not even get dressed in the house because she is afraid of taking the house. i even went thru the process of building her a dressing room outside the house and somehow she took it up and even tho i created it she now has ownership of it and before i had full perms on it for me. now it has no trasfer perms for it and short of building it back it is hers. no biggie ther just some history of what we have gon thru in deleting objects on our land. Thanks for any and all help in fixing this feel free to IM me anytime for solutions. Meaty Coleslaw
  4. What kind of building are you into please give as much detail as possible on this i am a builder myself looking to try and make a SL living if possible. Not sure as not much detail has been giving on what you need feel free to im me most anyday and we can get together and discuss what it is both you and i are looking foras for myself to sustain a reasonable SL living is all im after to possibly if it would be capable of sharing in a full sim to be able to have the ability to allow my/our creative juices to flow. if you have already found your partner than sorry to have wasted your time and good luck Meaty Coleslaw
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