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Christoph Beeswing

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Everything posted by Christoph Beeswing

  1. Thanks for checking. I do distinctly remember in 2010ish being able to fly 360 degrees. It's all i ever did back then. All i had to do was click and drag on the avatar and you could fly around 360 degrees. I need this back!
  2. Just tried this, but i still get no up and down rotation. Only left and right.
  3. I just downloaded the new viewer after a 2 year haitus, and it seems i can no longer use my favorite navigation tool. In the old viewer i could click and drag on my character and get 360 degrees of camera rotation to fly up down left and right. In the new viewer this rotation is limited to only left and right. Up and down seem to be removed. I now have to hold the control key to rotate up and down, but the game does not let my fly while doing this. Am i missing something? Does the old functionality still exist? Or does the new viewer just suck?
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