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Brooklyn Drascol

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Drascol

  1. Agreed. Who knew that such a simple word could send such a powerful message. Thumbs up!
  2. HELP ME IDENTIFY LAND RENTAL BUSINESS Options ‎04-29-2015 05:09 AM Hello. This may be somewhat of a vague question, but I am looking for a particualr land rental business that I use to rent from. The company created (from the rental I use to have with them), square regions with smaller, square parcels available as weekly-monthly rentals. Rentals were used as homes to businesses. The rental payment boxes were in the center of the lands, and I remember they use to have (maybe 1 year ago - or so) a penguin as a logo for their business. I believe he was wearing sunglasses. I figure this is probably just a shot in the dark of a question, but I enjoyed the renting process - no grief, good neighbors, and would like to re-rent from this company but cannot find them anywhere. Any, and all input and help is much appreciated guys. Thanks!
  3. Hello. This may be somewhat of a vague question, but I am looking for a particualr land rental business that I use to rent from. The company created (from the rental I use to have with them), square regions with smaller, square parcels available as weekly-monthly rentals. Rentals were used as homes to businesses. The rental payment boxes were in the center of the lands, and I remember they use to have (maybe 1 year ago - or so) a penguin as a logo for their business. I believe he was wearing sunglasses. I figure this is probably just a shot in the dark of a question, but I enjoyed the renting process - no grief, good neighbors, and would like to re-rent from this company but cannot find them anywhere. Any, and all input and help is much appreciated guys. Thanks!
  4. Yes, as soon as I attempt to save the script, it pops up with the failures in my first post. But it states their exact location in the script itself - which is very helpful. The total errors I get are 2: (175, 45) : Error : Name not defined within scope - This one is within the "vending" and then the "server" script. The server exactment is (41, 26). Both errors deals with the 'TotalSold' and the 'llEmail' coding.
  5. Alright, I have tried to further the script with corrections and nothing - I am in need of further help.
  6. Darkie, Thank you for your reponse, I am looking in the wiki now and will experiment with the script based on your help.
  7. Hello all, I came across Kristy Fanshaw's shortened vendor system scripting on SL's wiki page. When I uploaded them in-world and attempted to save, I came across scripting line errors. One of them in the 'Vendor' script is this one: llEmail( body, ID, (string)llGetKey()+"@lsl.secondlife.com" ); The only other scripting error that I have come across is the following in the 'Server' script: totalsold = (integer)llGetObjectDesc(); I have attached the entirity of the codes below for your convience, I really hope that someone can help me figure out these issues and the possibility of further problems I may run across. Thanks everyone! ///// PLACE THIS SCRIPT IN A VENDOR ROOT PRIM YOU'VE CREATED ///// integer gCorrectAmount = 10; // enter the price for fast pay integer my_profit = 50; // how many percent you would like to recieve form the sale string update_box = "update box name"; // describe the name of the "update box" object that should be rezzed string name = "my vendor name"; // Set the vendor name here integer totalsold = 0; integer Ch; integer listen_handle; integer buyer_paid; key OWNER; key CREATOR; key ID; key http_request_id; string mail; default { changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llSetObjectDesc("0"); llResetScript(); } } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { OWNER = llGetOwner(); CREATOR = llGetCreator(); Ch = ( -1 * (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)CREATOR,-7,-1)) ); totalsold = (integer)llGetObjectDesc(); llSetObjectName(name); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [gCorrectAmount, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); llSetText("To start vendor, rezz '" + update_box + "'.", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llSensorRepeat(update_box, NULL_KEY , SCRIPTED, 10 , PI, 10); } sensor (integer numberDetected) { state sens; } no_sensor () { llResetScript(); } } state sens1 { state_entry() { state sens; } } state sens { on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetText("Updating", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llShout(Ch,"update"); listen_handle = llListen(Ch,update_box, NULL_KEY, ""); llSensorRepeat(update_box, NULL_KEY , SCRIPTED, 10 , PI, 5); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { mail = message; llOwnerSay("updated"); llShout(Ch,"updated"); llListenRemove(listen_handle); } sensor (integer numberDetected) { llListenRemove(listen_handle); state sens1; } no_sensor () { llSetText("Touch to grant debit permission.", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llRequestPermissions(OWNER, PERMISSION_DEBIT); } run_time_permissions(integer Permission) { if(Permission == PERMISSION_DEBIT) { llOwnerSay("Starting vendor."); llSetText("", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); state Ready; } else { llOwnerSay ( "To share proceeds I must have give money(DEBIT) permissions"); llOwnerSay ( "Try again"); llResetScript(); } } } state Ready1 { state_entry() { state Ready; } } state Ready { on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSensorRepeat(update_box, NULL_KEY , SCRIPTED, 10 , PI,30); } sensor (integer numberDetected) { llSetText("Updating", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llShout(Ch,"update"); listen_handle = llListen(Ch,update_box, NULL_KEY, ""); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { mail = message; llOwnerSay("updated"); llShout(Ch,"updated"); llSetText("", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llListenRemove(listen_handle); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedOwner(0) == OWNER) { llOwnerSay((string)totalsold +" units have been sold since object rez. "); } else { llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), "Right-click and pay to purchase."); } } money(key id, integer amount) { ID =id; buyer_paid = amount; { if (amount == gCorrectAmount) { llInstantMessage(id, "Thank you " + llKey2Name(id) + " for your purchase."); llInstantMessage(ID,"Sending your requested items ....."); llSetText("Purchase in progress...\n\nPlease Wait...", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[ PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); llEmail( body, ID, (string)llGetKey()+"@lsl.secondlife.com" ); llSetTimerEvent(5); llGetNextEmail("", ""); } else if (amount < gCorrectAmount) { llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"You didn't pay enough, " + llKey2Name(id) + ". Refunding your payment of L$" + (string)amount + "."); llGiveMoney(id, amount); state Ready1; } else { integer refund = amount - gCorrectAmount; llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"You paid too much, " + llKey2Name(id) + ". Your change is L$" + (string)refund + "."); llGiveMoney(id, refund); llInstantMessage(id, "Thank you " + llKey2Name(id) + " for your purchase."); llInstantMessage(ID,"Sending your requested items ....."); llSetText("Purchase in progress...\n\nPlease Wait...", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[ PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); llEmail( body, ID, (string)llGetKey()+"@lsl.secondlife.com" ); llSetTimerEvent(5); llGetNextEmail("", ""); } } } email( string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left ) { if (subj == "delivered") { float profit = (my_profit + 0.0) / 100; float calc = buyer_paid + 0.0; float a = calc * profit; float b = buyer_paid - a; llGiveMoney( CREATOR, llFloor((integer)a) ); llInstantMessage(ID,"Accept your purchased items"); totalsold = totalsold + 1; llSetObjectDesc((string)totalsold); llInstantMessage(OWNER, (string)llKey2Name(ID) + " has paid " + (string)buyer_paid + "L$ in "+ llGetRegionName() + " and you have recived " + (string)llCeil(b) + "L$ from this sale"); llInstantMessage(CREATOR, (string)llKey2Name(ID) + " has paid " + (string)buyer_paid + "L$ in "+ llGetRegionName() + " and you have recived " + (string)llFloor(a) + "L$ from this sale"); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[gCorrectAmount, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); llSetText("", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llSetTimerEvent(0); state Ready1; } } timer() { llGiveMoney(ID, buyer_paid); llInstantMessage(ID, "Vendor couldn't deliver items ... your money is refunded"); llInstantMessage(OWNER, "Your Vendor in " + llGetRegionName() + " sim can't deliver items. Please update your Vendor."); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[gCorrectAmount, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); llSetText("", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llSetTimerEvent(0); state default; } } ///// PLACE THIS SCRIPT IN A BOX YOU'VE CREATED ///// string mail = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000@lsl.secondlife.com"; // Write here the server email address which is "serverobject-prim-key@lsl.secondlife.com" string update_box = "update box name"; // Write here the name you like, but be sure the name here matches with a name in vendor script integer Ch; integer listen_handle; default { state_entry () { Ch = ( -1 * (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetCreator(),-7,-1)) ); listen_handle = llListen(Ch,"", NULL_KEY, ""); llSetObjectName(update_box); llSetText("Updating your vendor\n\nPlease Wait ...", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if(message == "update") { llShout(Ch, mail); } else if (message == "updated") { llDie(); } } } ///// PLACE THESE SCRIPTS INTO A BOX YOU'VE CREATED AS A SERVER PRIM. PLACE THE OBJECTS YOU'D LIKE TO SELL INTO THIS PRIM - ONLY ONE OBJECT. ///// string my_address = "my.email@email.com"; // Write here the email, where you want to recieve the message with new server email address. integer total_mailers = 5; // How many mailer scripts you have in server prim. 5 mailer scripts are Recomended min. because of llEmail function. integer mailer = 1; default { changed(integer change) { if(change && CHANGED_OWNER) { llSetObjectDesc("0"); llResetScript(); } } on_rez(integer start_parameter) { llOwnerSay("new email is: " + (string)llGetKey() + "@lsl.secondlife.com"); llEmail(my_address,llGetObjectName() , "my new email is: " + (string)llGetKey() + "@lsl.secondlife.com"); llOwnerSay("message with new address is sent to your email"); } state_entry() { llSetObjectName(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)); llSetText(llGetObjectName(),<1,1,1>,1); totalsold = (integer)llGetObjectDesc(); llOwnerSay("new email is: " + (string)llGetKey() + "@lsl.secondlife.com"); llEmail(my_address,llGetObjectName() , "my new email is: " + (string)llGetKey() + "@lsl.secondlife.com"); llOwnerSay("message with new address is sent to your email"); llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } timer() { llGetNextEmail("", ""); } email( string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left ) { llGiveInventory(subj,llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0) ); message = llDeleteSubString(message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "\n\n") +1); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, mailer, message, ""); if (mailer <= total_mailers) { mailer = mailer + 1; } if (mailer >= total_mailers + 1) { mailer = 1; } totalsold = totalsold + 1; llSetObjectDesc((string)totalsold); llGetNextEmail("", ""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedOwner(0) == llGetOwner()) { llOwnerSay((string)totalsold +" units have been sold since server update. "); } else { llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), "please don't touch"); } } } ///// MAILER SCRIPT (PLACE IN SAME PRIM AS 'SERVER' SCRIPT) ///// string mailer_num; default { link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key id) { mailer_num = llGetScriptName(); if (num == (integer)mailer_num) { llEmail(msg,"delivered", (string)num); } } }
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