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Riaz Loopen

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Everything posted by Riaz Loopen

  1. PATHBUG-188 Above is the JIRA created for this issue, lets hope LL can sort this out soon.
  2. Theresa, no this is an issue both above and below 4096, but when the effect takes place.... if you are above 4096 your altitude shows as 4096, if you are below 4096 you still have the effect taking place but the altitude shows correctly.
  3. Hi, I am a scripter and creator of one of these avatar flight assisted games. Since the pathfinding update there has definitely been a marked issue with regard to assisted flight in sl. I have tested with various flight assists and the issue is common to all assists. The problem shows when moving diagonally along the z axis during flight. Now there is something else i have noticed which is very peculiar, if you do test this take note of the altitude readin built into any viewer. At the time during which you are caught in the "lag spike" you will notice your altitude meter reads as you being at 4096 meters when infact you may be way above or byond this height. I really hope Lindens to take note of this issue and create an official jira with intent to solve this problem at some stage.
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