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Frets Nirvana

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  1. I am trying to work with a charity that has agreed to setup an account with Linden labs, so that we can conduct benefits for them. It is a legal Veterans Support Organization. We would be conducting an on-going effort for them just like Relay for Life does in Second Life. However, the management of the account and transfer of monies poses a problem. Is there a way that selling Lindens and processing the credit can be automated for a charity? Maybe on a monthly basis? Of course it would also be great if fees for transfer of selling and transferring monies would be deleted. It is a legal organization approved byt the IRS. I have tried for six months to find someone at Linden that can help with this but so far I have not gotten a response. I did see an option to put in another commens so I will do it by edting. First of all thanks for the response. 1. Yes I have talked to RFL and know how they do it. 2. I have been involved wiht Wounded Warriors for over four years, with the support of others and have sent over $40,000 to them. I am going to be switching my allegiance because they are not being helpful with this problem. Those previous monies have had to transfer through my personal account and every dime has gone to WWP. However, this has got to change and I also need an organization that is supportive like RFL is. I think I have found it and look forward to keep helping our Vets who give us so much. However, the question of auto management of funds still stands. I am now going to open up this thread again, thanks to Linden labs. I have successfully started a new relationship with another Veteran's Support Organization. They have established an account with Linden Labs and all donations go their account. So far we accumulated over 250,000 linden for them this year. But now I have discovered silly problem for this charity. They just tried to transfer that money out by going through the usual process. Which of course LL makes money off of. But their sell limit with a basic account does not allow them to sell and transfer the Lindens into regular $$. Come on now, it is a charity doing good work for our vets. How, without purchasing a premium account or doing other silly things can this limit be raised? Thanks everyone…I get no response from LLO at this time. Frets Nitvana
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