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Morwen Bunin

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Posts posted by Morwen Bunin

  1. 1 hour ago, Orwar said:

    I mean, you could always try talking to the neighbor in question and see if you can't find a diplomatic solution. 


    Never understood why people in SL always seem to think that the first thing to do whenever a neighborhood related problem appears is to blacklist, build over or tear everything down and run off. 

    I did send a notecard to the two owners,  but no reply yet (but maybe they haven't logged on yet again, who knows).

    I didn't blacklist them, banned them or whatever. Only I do wished they first talked to me before creating this "wall" and not confront me with the fact that this "wall" is suddenly there. When talking we most likely would have found a solution that makes both sides happy.

    Only thing I want is a reasonable view again at the backside of my land.

    Luckily I got already some nice suggestions, here and in SL self (for which thank you).

    • Like 1
  2. For now I put on a flat wall, but I have to fully agree that this is not a solution (I will remove it again).

    And yes, 20K land seems to be lot, but, as on the attached picture can be seen, moving stuff around will be a mayor job to do (one I have currently no time for).

    Luckily the entrance shown on the picture on the first post is not the main one, but at the backside of the house (which makes it less worse). That entrance was ironically added after a chat with the owner of the other parcel.

    But everywhere if you are outside on my land you see that wall.

    Maybe I can do some more with trees and bushes :-).

    Thank you for all the replies so far!


    Wall 2_001.png

  3. I am not after revenge. So no, I will not put anything up to ruin their view. If I put on a prim-wall with on our side a nice sky or something, it will be invisible from their side.

    And moving and buying almost 20000 sqm all over again? No, I don't think is any option either.

    All I want is to block the view on the ugly wall and looking for options for that :-)

  4. Hello everyone,

    This week our SL neighbour surprised us with a very ugly "wall" right next to our land. I know why he/she did this, there was rather differences in height level of the two pieces of land (was there already since I years ago rented the first piece of land there). But I wished there would have been some talk in stead this just forcing upon us.

    Anyway, I am afraid this "wall" is not going away any time soon.

    Apart from putting up some prim-walls to block the view on this "wall', any other suggestions to make this look more nicer again?

    The entrance has to be removed i'm afraid :-(



  5. Hi everyone,

    I have in my house a picture slideshow with all the clothes I own in SL and as I am here since November 2005 that are a lot of pictures (just a few more days and I am 10 years here :P).

    Anyway, I named the pictures in the slideshow after the clothes-set that is on the picture. When the slideshow is running I would like the see the name of the picture (and thus the name of set clothes).

    Many of the slideshows I have seen have an option to display the name of the picture as "floating text". The disadvantage is of this is that you can see the floating text through walls and alike and not only in the room where the slideshow is placed.

    Does anyone know a way to stop that the floating text is visible through walls???


    Does anyone knows a slideshow that has an option to display the name the picture in the frame of the slideshow or as part of the picture? Or even the name as tiptool would already be great.

    For the slideshow one other feature is important, it must be able to resize to a scale of 1:1 (so sqaure). Any other features as slide-effects are very welcome, but not the most important.



  6. I have invited to friend into SL, they wanted to have a look at it after I told them about it.

    So they tried to create an account.

    They selected a default avatar. Entered a name for the avatar that was available. Entered a valid mail-address, a correct birthday (1974... so should be old enough :P), a password. A security questions was selected and an answered to it entered. All entered information was okay as the "green okay mark" behind showed.

    But after pressing the buttion to activated the account nothing happens. The text "activating" is displayed with little round symbol indicating the computer is busy.... and so it stays for hours.

    They used two different desktops, with Firewall/Anti-virus software off and on. They tried it on a laptop.They even tried it on a computer at work (during a break and okay from the systemadministrator there). But always the same result....

    Anyway an idea what is going wrong here? I really would love to show them around in SL....

  7. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Then somehow your account has slipped through the cracks.

    For the benefit (for lack of a better word) PayPal allows Merchants to choose to only do business with people who have a Credit Card as a secondary payment method listed with PayPal.  Something some where went wrong and PayPal told LL you had a CC linked.

    No,  I  hope you can read Dutch, because this page is directly from Pay Pal....


    and describes how to use a bankaccount. Which basically comes down to:

    a. Create a Paypal acccount

    b. Connect a bank account.

    No credit card involved,

    Also see this sentence on the page:

    "Het gemak voor u als gebruiker is dat u direct online aankopen kunt doen zonder credit card of eerst saldo op uw PayPal-rekening over te maken."

    Translated: The ease for the user that you can DIRECTLY  buy things online WITHOUT CREDIT CARD or transferring money to your Pay pal-acount.



  8. Foxer Kosten wrote:

    paypal paypal you think everybody has a visa card here we dont have it.

    it sucks where we have to buy or Lindens ont on SL or marketplace because we have not 1 of the cards

    where you have to pay with

    Okay. Once more... Read carefully my lips...

    You don't need a credit card for Pay Pal.... No Visa, no Mastercard, no Dinners... nothing, nada, nope credit card!!!!!

    You can connect a Pay Pal account directly to a normal bank account without having a credit card at all. I buy my L$ that way. I pay for my premium account and land that way without having a credit card connected to that Pay Pal account!

  9. and i am the same i got paypall for save buying on the internet so that if the acount get hacked they can not hit my personal bank acount.


    If iDeal gets hit by a hacker with bad attensions, your personal bank account is just vurneable as with Pay Pal. And no, all those nice things the Dutch banks have come up with (as pin-codes, code calculors) will not be a problem for an experienced person. I have seen recently a documentaire where was shown how easily these things could be passed by.

  10. Natasha Hirons wrote:

    I don't mind changes, in the well over 6 years I've been in SL, a lot has changed... That's not the problem. I understand why this all is happening. But I have to get 2 things, which I basically don't need for anything in my life, except for SL. As a matter of fact I hardly know anybody over here who has a CC and/or PayPal.


    Then I really wonder where you are living.... Certainly not in the Netherlands. Most people I know do have a credit card, many also a Pay Pal account.

    And if you have a bank-account (which most over 18 years old will have), you can get a Paypal account. And paying through Pay Pal gives you your L$ just as fast as with other paying methods.... instantly (okay, a minute or so...)


  11. Darktoorper Amat wrote:

    Much Apreciated ill give Paypall a shot for now hopefully LL will allow Ideal or Direct Transfers without credit card or paypall account. easier to keep an eye on my Actual Bank transactions in that way should it be required.

    I always use Pay Pal exact for that reason. When you connect your Paypal account directly to a bank account, the money is mostly within 48 hours redrawn from your bankaccount (and is not saved to one big transfer per month as with many credit cards).



    I use Pay Pal not only for buying L$, but also to pay my premium account and the land that I own.



  12. Okay, here is my problem....

    I have a picture-frame to show in a slideshow different pictures. Works as a charme...

    What I would like is that when you stand in front of it, you she the picture-frame as normal. But when you look at it from the backside that you look through it.

    I tried to add a "transparant texture" to the backside of the frame, but somehow it works for the complete object. It makes the whole object invisible :).

    Is what I want possible? And if it is, how can I do it?


    (And yes... I am complete no-no on the subject of building :P)

  13. I remember how a few years ago users of the Dutch-provider XS4ALL (I was over then with them) could not connect to SL at all. Later it turned out that it was not a problem of XS4ALL or Second Life. Somewhere in between a router messed up. Was not that easy to get that corrected...

    Point is... this kind of problems are mostly not problems with Second Life itself. Mostly with your own hardware or your provider.... or somewhere along that long line from your provider to Second Life...

  14. What I do know (from another discusion on another forum concerning Everquest II) is that DirectX works only with Windows and from what I understand from reading this thread this Open GL works also on Linux and Mac, which explains why there are viewers for those as well (what I think is a very good thing).

    As I already said it that I am not an expert on computers (meaning hardware and such... You want to know something about Excel? There is a big change I might know the answer).
    This is why I leave the maintaince of my computers to someone who really knows a lot about it. And when there are troubles, I call her and I don't go fooling around with it. I don't install things, if I want something or changed, I call her. And as she likes to visit us (we have good food here... my partner is a cheff cook :matte-motes-little-laugh: )  she comes, helps me and we have great time with all of together.
    I think my computers are very well installed, all drivers up to date, free of rubbish and such, Maybe that can be a reason I don't have problems that others seems to have.

    Just a thought.

  15. We are not so into this kind of traditions.... Thanksgiving we really don't know over here. And Christmas is for me as none-believer just a holiday and not more then that. Sure, we will have a Christmas tree... but that will be more because of Yule then of Christmans :P

    So we take the time and spend the holidays in a nice hotel on one of the islands above The Netherlands.

  16. Don't know about the griefing part.... What is the griefing? That there is grass in your house? Well, now you will die... or all your bills will be twice as high.

    I rather think it has been there always, but maybe just noticed it for the first... maybe after changes you did? Or maybe a new resident who is not informed about all the rules yet.

    You to prevent this? Switch auto-return on your land (but make sure all on your land is owned by you or the group where landed is deeded to).

    ps. The objects-tab in the "About land"-window can very helpfull in these matters.

  17. Vladi Hazelnut wrote:

    This has been an issue with ATI for years actually. Maybe they have fixed it with the newer cards and drivers, I don't know since I won't bother getting one for use with sl.

    I do know for a fact though it isn't just with SL, ATI has been known to have issues with other open gl games as well.

    I am not technical experienced in this matter, so all I can do is say what I experience myself....  So Open GL? I have no idea what that is (a open source standard?).

    But I do know that SL runs for me more then great. Everquest II I can run on extreme quality, even on raids.

    Photo processing (RL photography)... RAW conversions and other heavy graphic operations run just extreme fast...

    So ATI cards may have problems? Sure, I believe it when people say so. It just ain't my experience.

  18. Vladi Hazelnut wrote:

    Its not so much the cards that have problems but rather the drivers for the cards. And its not really SL's fault that ATI cards are hit and miss with it. SL is Open GL where most games are Direct X. And ATI just doesn't seem to handle Open GL that well, its not just with SL. Where as Nvidia seems to work better with Open GL for whatever reason.

    Don't know where this is coming from.... In both my desktops I have ATI cards and never a real problem.... In my newer desktop upto to ultra speed and quality!


  19. Abigail Longmeadow wrote:

    You need to be technically skilled to replace a video card. If you are not, it is best to buy a computer that has already been upgraded for gaming.

    Or let it do by someone that has the needed experience and skills.

    Over here in The Netherlands I know of companies, that are focussed on professional business, who do this kind of jobs for private persons as well (for a very acceptable fee). When this is done well, it is great advertisment for the company.

    I mention this because it would be a pitty to replace a complete computer when only the graphic cards needed to be upgraded.

  20. Been here since 2005 and really never had big problems. Minor ones, yes. But mostly they could be solved on a simple way.

    The only only real problem I had some years ago was that I was not able to connect to Second Life..... people were directly blaming Linden Labs, while it was a routing problem that was out of controle of Linden Labs.

    I think that many problems that people blame on Second Life are more often hardware, software and/or connection problems on their own side.
    I am so lucky that I can buy very good hardware.... My connection is one of 120Mb (according the provider. Mostly it is between 95 and 110Mb, still rather fast).
    I don't fool around with my computer, because I have no knownlegde enough about. So maintaince is done by someone who has that knownlegde.

    I almost never crash... my huds behave as they should do... TP go almost always as planned...  I am more then happy!!!

  21. And to get ideas you could do what I often do...

    When I see from the outside a house that I really like, I will try to find to who it belongs. Then I send a IM to ask if I may have a peek inside (explaining of course).

    Sure, I could just cam in from the other side of the sim and look, but I like to do thing on a polite way.

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