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Finity Westland

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Everything posted by Finity Westland

  1. One other thing which used to be true, and I think still is. The 512m allowance that can be used either for a Lindenhome or a plot of mainland can also instead be deducted from a larger plot of land you may purchase. Thus, if you were to purchase a 2048m plot of land, you would pay Tier as thought it were a (2048m-512m) 1536m plot, or a 1024m plot as thought it were a 512m plot. Note this only subtracts from the area of the plot, not the Tier level, so you will have to see if it would actually drop your Tier payments by using the adjusted plot size against the Tier level, but it is still a nice option if a 512m plot is too small for you. The other risk that hasn't been mentioned is that you might come to really like the weekly stipend, the Premium sandboxes, content, and occasional benefits so much that you can't face SL without them
  2. Well...I found the only solution that works! I am now running Viewer 1.23, and no crashing! Until LL gets a fix for this in, I think I'm going to be relearning the joys of a viewer that wasn't broke when they fixed it
  3. I have been having this problem since Viewer 3.03 was broought out. Seems linked to something to do with "11_apr_warn_status" and inability to find a file. I've reinstalled my viewer and upgraded my video driver without success, and with an actual drop in performance. Is there someplace I can download earlier versions of the viewer? This is becoming too much to deal with, and it seems LL is oblivious to this problem.
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