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Atano Anatra

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Everything posted by Atano Anatra

  1. Hello, i was logging my alt into second life for aeons of time now with the help of checking the box "remember password" now of course when i wanted to change it, i found out i dont remember my password, but even worse, when typing my avatar name in the corresponding box i dont receive any mail? I dont believe my account is subject to abuse but rather the mail was sent to a mail account that is closed by yahoo due to inactivity. So i am in a tight spot seems, i still can log on with my alt but if i have to update the viewer or change the computer i am doomed. What can i do? Any help is appreciated.
  2. I am a shopowner and my account got hacked. My shop is empty and my Lindens are gone. I still have my stuff in my Inventory. I have filed a case but after reading up on it on the forums i actually repent that, cause i am reading that Lindens confiscate hacked accounts? Then my shop would be gone for good and i could go home packing and would have a lot of time to play Elder Scrolls Online :-( what do i do so they dont confisacte my account?
  3. Works perfect The group is rather small (20 now) Thanks a lot :)
  4. Hi everyvody, i have tried to tweak a groupcontentgiver-script into just giving its contents only once to each Avatar. But i failed :( Can someone please help me? Here is the script: list items; buildList() { items=[]; integer i; integer len=llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); while(i<len) { string temp=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, i); if(temp!=llGetScriptName()) { items+=temp; } ++i; } } default { state_entry() { buildList(); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { buildList(); } } touch_start(integer num) { list clients = []; integer i=0; while(i<num) { key id=llDetectedKey(i); if(llSameGroup(id)) { if(llListFindList(clients, [id]) >= 0) { llSay(0, "Sorry, you already received your gift. Each Groupmember gets only one"); return; } else llGiveInventoryList(id, llGetObjectName(), items); } else { llSay(0, "Only groupmembers get a gift"); } ++i; } } }
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