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Mistka Straaf

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  1. Hello...a good boy helped me to solve my trouble...rezzing the mesh over me produced a sort of bug so he told me to rez the mountain away from me...better if i was flying...and it work!
  2. Hello, :matte-motes-grin: i'm looking whit interest at that conversation becouse i wanted to make a little mountain whit a cave. So i started using blender 2.67 whit a plane mesh primitive, then i subdivided it five time. I used the edit mode and i grab a verted using the conect mod to move also the near vertex till i made a little mountain. then i selected a face and i extruded it inside the mountain making a little cave. I exported using the collada exporter and i selected the option "second life static" Then i started sl and i select aditi, once here i uploaded my model and i used the same model for the physic. i selected surface and nothing on the third physic voice. I uploaded and da daa in word the mountain was like a phantom prim. Iturned it into convex, prim, none but nothing...it still to be a phantom. What i wrong?-.-'' I tried to make then a cube whit some holes and i can go inside it whitout falling down thanks for your help and time Mitty
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