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Nil McCallen

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  1. Hello Everyone, i tried to make a simple cutout mesh shape for Second Life in Photoshop. That was quick and easy and turned out perfect for what i need. Now my problem is the cutout texture i used to make the shape dont fits exactly in sl. actually it should match the shape exactly,but its slightly wrong and even if i stretch it inworld, it dont get the perfect fit... what have i done wrong? when i open the mesh file in photoshop again the texture fits perfect.... any ideas? Greetings NIL
  2. Hello Everybody! I need to reduce my Land! I offer 5000 Prim next to my Mainstore FIN *Relive the fifties*. On my Sim are already 3 more Mainstores. JUICE Menswear, by JohnnyD Posthorn - RUGHSTER Menswear and MnB Sculpties and Meshes by Marley Blogfan. The Parcel has perfect Size for a Mainstore, Club or Theatre etc. We are looking for a longtime renter.. so please just IM me if you are interessted to join us not only for a week ;O) !!! Any Questions? - IM to Nil McCallen FACTS: 5000 Prim Monthly TIER is 28000 Lindens Weekly cost is 7000 L$ This is ACTUAL COST! A non PROFIT DEAL! Tier is paid until the 6th of February! Renting the Land includes: Full Estate Manager rights! its a PG SIM.. ! Sun is fixed on midday!
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