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Alyssa Wonder

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Everything posted by Alyssa Wonder

  1. Hi Guys - As you mentioned, the estate manager was in fact on vacation. He told me he returned today to a mess of complaints as everyone on all sims was locked out. Thank you all for your quick help! It was a genuine error.
  2. Thanks eyeeye...Will leave this and report back when its resolved. I am a prem member, Ill look for the live chat link. Thank you both for your time!
  3. I am not banned personally, rather myself and my partner are both unable to get to the land. Here is what happens, when trying to get to my land by TP or flying, both me and my partner get this msg "Could not teleport, sorry you do not have access to that teleport destination" and we cannot TP there. When we first logged in back to our "home setting" we were immediately sent to a safe hub with the same error msg. The weird thing is that there was one time this week my partner could get to the land for a few hours, then it went back to that error message, and blocking us from going to the land. We have tried a few different viewers as well, two different computers and locations. Its really weird. The map does not have the region in red, and LL confirms its not "offline".
  4. Hello, I rent a 1/2 sim on the mainland, and pay tiers on time each month to the landowner. For the last 6 days we have been unable to get to our land, we get the message "Could not teleport, sorry you do not have access to that teleport destination". Unfortunately, the landowners have not responded to any of my pleas for help over the last 6 days. They are always offline and unavailable. I fear they may have or are in the process of abandoning their responsibilities. Any advice?
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