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Sugarlips Shackleton

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Posts posted by Sugarlips Shackleton

  1. I know I'm posting this a year later, but I recently wanted to darken my skin too and started a discussion on the same topic. Someone mentioned the new tattoo layer for SL Viewer 2 (which also works for Emerald but not for the older viewer) and the possibility of this being used for tanning. Following some investigation, I found a "Bronzed Tan" product by Curious Kitties on XStreet that wasn't easy to find in their enormous store, but when I did and bought it (L$400, a fifth of the price of a new Laqroki skin), it was perfect for me. A demo wasn't on display when I bought, but may be in the store now and can be obtained from Curious Kitties rep Morbidia Marchant in any event. Happy tanning!


    Change the view option of your inventory not to sort all folders at the top.

    Change the view option of my inventory not to sort all folders at the top ?!

    I didn't know you could do that !!

    This changes things completely, but I'll have to see...

    Right, fantastic. Not preferences but inventory menu, Sort > System Folders to Top OFF. Now I can make my own folders and they list in the same alphabetical order. No more having to put everything in "Objects", great, thanks!

  3. Different strokes for different folks, I guess, and maybe I am extreme on this. I'm just used to being able to modify my defaults and have thus acquired the notion that I should be able to do so if I want, that's all. By "incessant" I meant unceasing, not frequent. It wasn't a very opportune term, but "ceaseless" or "unending" or "relentless" wouldn't have been either.

  4. That's probably true. I know I often spend more time – sometimes much more time – scripting things on my Mac than it would take me to just do them manually. But as Adobe scripting maven Olav Kvern once said, "When desperation finally drove me to scripting, what surprised me the most was that the process of working on developing a program, or a script, is a lot like the process of drawing or writing or doing something creative. It's something I ended up, quite against my will, enjoying."

  5. Thanks. This sounds like an approach I might want to follow if and when I indeed have a need for different templates. It re-raises a question regarding inventory lists, however. One or two people have said something about putting frequently used things at the top of the list, but I'm not sure how to do that. My impression is that there's a fairly long column of default folders that can't be deleted or renamed, and that any other custom folders fall in below these. So I don't know how to get things really up at the top.

    I'm actually trying very hard to keep everything in the the basic default folders, this to avoid two separate alphabetic orderings, which I find disagreeably messy. This seems actually fairly easy to do, given for example that just about anything can be an "Object".

  6. Thanks for the info, Peter. If you're ever well-rested and remember where you saw about the Emerald client-side precompiler that allows changing the default initial script (which is exactly what I want to do), I hope you'll let me know.


    Try Forums > Scripting, that's the place the scripters hang out, talk amongst ourselves and confuse newbies *grin*

    Will have to find that... Ah yes, under the Community tab. Bookmarked and will be there, thanks again.


    It's there as a simple launching point so you don't have to type a few common things.

    That's good, thanks. But I still continue to get the impression that nearly all of you, the same as me, want to modify it in one way or another. Imagine if every time you launched Word, for example, you were faced with a default doc you didn't want and couldn't modify, and had to launch your own template.

    Okay, so a lot of people have gotten used to Word too. I never have, but that's another topic and not one for this forum.

  8. P.S. Trying to take advantage of the suggestion of using the Emerald Viewer "Disable first time popups" button to suppress the unwanted message, I found however that I didn't understand the button and don't see how it works.  When I click on it it highlights, but the highlighting disappears when I click elsewhere and I'm not sure that it's even applied, in addition to not understand its general function very well anyway. I'm afraid to mess around with the buttons in the particular preference pane concerned, as the on-and-off defaults at first glance seem pretty appropriate and I don't feel like wiping them out. Thanks.

  9. Like Paladin, you seem to contradict yourself a little too. You say the unwanted message has never been an issue with you, and yet that there's no earthly reason to leave it. That would at least be a contradiction for me. If I'm stuck with something I don't want, for me that's an issue. It's like the MobileMe panel in Mac OS System Preferences – I hated it when I found out they'd put that one in so it couldn't be deleted. Thanks.

  10. You say we're all used to it, but you yourself apparently take pains to avoid it. Considering that the ways of doing this don't seem to be that much less troublesome than the message itself, I can imagine that I'll wind up hitting the New Script button and grumbling. It just bothers me, that's all - that it doesn't seem to serve any important purpose, and that you can't change it or get rid of it. Thanks.

  11. Oops, I think I maybe should have clicked Helpful on this, but thought I only saw two replies after the first one. Will consider all these possibilities when I'm creating scripts, thanks. Nobody has mentioned any actual utility of the "Hello, Avatar!" message, which confirms my impression of its being something of a nuisance. A harmless nuisance, perhaps tolerable, but annoying to me nonetheless.

  12. That's a perfectly adequate answer to the question of how to get rid of the the default message, thanks. A comment or comments regarding its possible utility would be welcome, but unless I see one I'll assume it's dispensable and will take advantage of the mentioned feature provided by the Emerald Viewer, which I'm using. Thanks again.

  13. Am just starting with SL scripting and find it curious that everyone would seem to get the default "Hello, Avatar!" message every time they create a new script. If everybody else lives with this I suppose I can too, but I'm wondering whether it might somehow be possible to modify the default script to avoid this incessant repetition. I might also, for example, want a different default message rather than deleting it altogether. Can the default script be modified, I suppose that's the essential question. Another one would be whether such a default message is actually needed, and if so why. Thanks.


    Nobody can mess with you're avatar unless they have access to your account

    I was going to mark this reply only as helpful because both yours and Tempest's seemed kind of equally so, but this is such a direct and clear answer that I have to credit it as such. Thanks, also for the helpful info on past glitches and tech support for Premium accounts.


    The black skin thing is a bug with some video cards.

    Glad to hear that!


    Sometimes you can clear it by rebake.

    What's rebake? I can guess that it's something like applying a totally different avatar, but I'm not sure.


    Sometimes it takes changing your skin to a different skin and then changing back.

    I got the avi more or less back in shape by doing this, changing avatars etc., but there's still a problem in that I have something on me I can't get off - namely, something that may have been named "Girl Next Door - Eyebrowshaper" (that's what's in Description in Properties now), but was renamed to "New Outfit Hair" or something like that when I made the mistake of saving an outfit (supposably my original default Girl Next Door avi or a variant of that one) with the name-change thing checked. I may want to keep the eyebrowshaper as part of my usual avi, but I'd also like to *be able* to get rid of it and not have the feeling that something's wrong.


    As for the other..check your transactions, being sure to check for 0L transactions

    Zero linden, online?


    as well to see if anything was received or sent by your avi.

    I do have a box or two of cheesy bondage stuff I've never opened or looked at, and it could be that the disturbing mask I saw somehow came out of one of these. Or wherever. Who knows?


    I would suggest changing your password and be sure you use something random and be sure that you don't have your remember password checked if others in your household have access to your computer. If someone in your household does have accesss, sound like they were playing. If not, and nothing was missing, change your password and report it to LL.

    I'll do this if it happens again, thanks. But I'm now thinking - particularly since you tell me the black skin is a known issue - that this was either a random glitch, or (as seems likely) that it was caused by my shrinking my SL window and resizing it a couple of times in the middle of a session. The weird change happened after I did this, maybe immediately after though I'm not sure now.


  16. I had a disturbing experience today, when my avatar rezzed with an awful bondage-type mask on that I'd never seen before, and I had a different skin and clothes too. I couldn't get the avatar straightened out, so I logged off. When I logged back on the mask was gone, but my skin was all black, chin to toes, later waist to toes. I seem to have recovered now, using copies of things that I fortunately found elsewhere in my inventory, but the idea that someone could have done this to me intentionally is still pretty scary. Is this possible, if you're not wearing an open collar, don't have RLV activated or similar? I'm now more open to this possibility if you are or do, so I'll probably be warier about that kind of stuff regardless. Thanks.

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