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Ulvhedin Teardrop

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Everything posted by Ulvhedin Teardrop

  1. When looking at premium options, quarterly was listed as 11.25. After actually choosing this, it shows in my account summary as 22.50. Why is this? -- Since I can't figure out how to add a comment, I'm adding it here: It seems this is a poor way for LL to handle such sales, as it requires people to read the blog feed to be updated on it. Just pointing out, I didn't choose quarterly because I knew about a sale, I logged in to update payment info and was considering downgrading to basic, but looking at the list in the first pic, I changed my mind. For people who log in and go straight to the account info pages and rely on the information given there to be correct, this still strikes me as misleading. We should be able to trust the info given there above all other. :/ All it would take was a few words added to specify this was a limited offer, and what the usual cost is. It'd be better customer service IMO.
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