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Lucidius Flanagan

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Everything posted by Lucidius Flanagan

  1. I like this idea and thoght it'd be out of scope but the ray cast ***** returns way too much data when most combat folk just want to check LOS to apply damage. Some people even ban raycast from being full auto because it pulls so much un-needed data. People might be more receptive to it if there was like an llFastRay or llLineofSight(integer boolean) that just returned line of sight as a boolean or something when paired with a sensor (for grenades and special effects) or guns (mouse look ray on crosshair) I suspect RP people would find this useful for reducing issues where ablities and effects go throgh walls also. Could even bake it into sensors as a "requires line of sight to detected object" boolean that can be flipped on and off with a default of off so old stuff is retroactive?
  2. While these are possible to implement, sim performance would be better possibly without tracking the positio and velocity of every agent in the sim every second to apply fall damage if we had more control in the region settings and it was handled by each client or piped into how the system handles things directly I suspect. re: spacebar, this is something that can be accounted for and planned around like the mentioned enforcement of disabling wireframe and other aspects. The goal of this project and others presently is to make creating new games in SL possible and easier, and locking basic aspects of linden damage behind a bunch of scripting is counter to that. Especially if it's something that can just be like "velocity maximum before damage is appled (0-202m/s)" instead of making some localized server to track agent velocities every .1s.
  3. Just musing but would it be possible to change the velocities at which agents receive damage? Once you start moving too quickly you start taking like "fall" damage from bumping into the floor which has a hard cap on avatar movement speeds. Would it be possible without modifying the physics engine at all to change that property? Maybe some one wants to address the "verticality" of sl building by making severe falling damage, or people want to have agents sprinting across sims quickly without grating themselves on the cement like a cheese grater? This may be out of scope but just thought i'd mention it as these are hard caps intrinsic to ll damage that could be tweaked depending on the region's experience they are trying to foster/deliver.
  4. this completely slipped my mind but was an idea I also shared. an easy way to handle damage falloff (damage reduced over time of flight) as well as other properties you mentioned could be super neat. Kinda goes against the llRezWithParams update to feature scriptless bullets but that's on each region/parcel to manage if it's worth the resource cost or not. Really dig this idea. Maximum damage and damage falloff rate as well as minimum damage is the foundation for most triple a shooters these days. Is this subject to the damage threshold or would there be a separate healing threshold? Dont want to just add a ton of ratchets to twist but just a thought that sprung to mind, otherwise this makes sense.
  5. I suppose you could have an experience/script on_death set a timer to then apply a damage after the user "revives" so they go from 100 to whatever you wanted, but i think the idea is to give levers and controls to region owners so the scripting isn't required and it can be handled quickly yea? I dont see an llsethealth call just llgethealth but I may be missing something. Either way we will find a work around but I think having these levers be something you can just enable easily and have more control over "default behaviors" is a good goal for improving the amount of games that can be made using combat as a base. Liking the conversation of disabling regen at 0, seems like a good control. At default it means you stay at 0 for 6s until you tick up to 1, x seconds at region regen and 0 if dead means "dead dead". Good suggestion
  6. I like this idea, a ghetto around would be my suggestion of having health start at whatever the region value is and having the region dictate what the starting health is (have it set to 1 then so the are easillllllllllllllllled) but I dont quiet like that. I think having this bundled in an experience would be a good idea, or having it so the region can set you to negative health (-5 HP) and you come back to life once you regen back to positive health points (region has regen rates built in) or you get healed (negative applydamage). the negative health may be the best solution but I suspect health cannot go negative and it may be a buch of back end work to do so? I really like this idea tho for RP meter deaths Could be abused obviously (-100 hp on death with 0 regen). Could you make it so your system gives immunity to all damage types that arn't your own with the proposed string based damage types? Have it so damage reistances apply to everything that isn't "YourMeter_fire" "YourMeter_slashing". Might be missing somehting but just a thought I had! Need your input greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeon this stuff. Based on past conversations and such the goal is to reduce the amount of ***** meters need to keep track of to bake it in to combat so that meters arn't needed to handle the combat but may be needed to layer OVER combat. Should hopefully free up sim resources so meters can be less impact or focus on other things
  7. Howdy, ready down several posts Seems the damage threshold/throttling is kinda contentious and dread raises a good point. Could have a damage rate aka a maximum threshold for "hits" or a regional "invulnerability" phase once you take damage? Make it so you can only get hit once every second if a region wants it, paired with the above or on its own as another means of tailoring combat. The other thing I thought of is your statement regarding "when your health drops to 0 and dies it is then restored to 100%" Why not make the start value after death a region/parcel setting too? I can picture some one making a survival style game or some RP meters presently do it, where when you revive you start with very little health and you have to use ingame resources to heal up. A reduced healing rate would mean in this system you would be encouraged to wait a long time in a HUB or safe zone to get back to 100 or consume healing magic or items to get back into fighting condition. This could be better suited to slower paced games or RP systems. Another concern could be if teleport on death was disabled and a death animation plays, controls are seized to the user can't move around. Could have a death "grace period" that is also region set to allow invulnerability after death for RP systems that have mid combat reviving so they dont get dropped immediately? I could picture this being a thing for a battle royatle team styel game mode where the sim owner may want like the first second or two after a revive to have invulnerability or something. IDK just spit balling. Last one was having a faster raycast that just checks line of sight to an avatar or something? Anything to reduce the amount of congestion with making Line of Sight checks to avatars to confirm if damage can be applied. We use this in the SL Combat sims to see if a sensor has detected an avatar (usually a grenade). It then checks line of sight via raycast to confirm if the target is within line of sight. Something like a llRaycastFast that just returns a TRUE/FALSE if the ray hits the specific masks so we can make stuff like raycast guns that dont return massive lists that need to get parsed every .013 seconds or something. Raycast guns have made it easier for newer people to transition into SL combat but they are rather laggy when spammed. Any enhancements to LOS checks would be appreciated by most people. I can guarentee most people hate being killed through walls and ***** unfairly lol. Anywho just tossing thos in, gonna follow up on thread later and if you don't like my ideas, most of them are just that it's NBD. Just thinking of features that may be helpful for NEW styles of combat entirely or to replace a lot of the clunky jankyness of RP meters.
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