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Adrian Tolwen

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Everything posted by Adrian Tolwen

  1. Thank you too @LittleMe Jewell & @Lindal Kidd for the informative responses really appreciate that!
  2. Okay so I am aware as a premium plus member, we are entitled to 2,048 sqm of land free of fees each month and anything going above that would set the fee to the next tier I believe. At the moment, I have a Linden Home in Bellisseria (1,024 sqm) and a plot of land on the mainland (1,024 sqm) that I use for working on creating clothes which combined, uses up the 2,048 sqm which keeps my monthly premium fee $29.99. Suppose.. I purchase another 1,024 sqm of land..which sets me at 3,072 sqm total, subtracted by the 2,048 sqm that I am entitled too equaling....does this mean I will now be charged a monthly fee of $7? Also, does that $7 add to the $29.99 on the next billing date or would such actions acquire 2 separate monthly bills? I am a little confused, thanks in advanced for the kind soul that will take time out of their busy day to help me with this puzzle..
  3. Oh that would be extremely awesome Bin!! Your name is extremely familiar, I may have been watching a few of your videos pertaining bento buddy as well as purchasing a copy for myself 😄 I will forsure message you inworld, thank you so much!!
  4. Small Disclaimer, I am new to meshing/rigging but but I do have intermediate knowledge from playing around it in for a while now. I was successfully able to mesh an outfit from scratch for the Belleza Jake body as well as rigging it, uploading it in world and throwing some zbrush textures on it which turned out pretty nice. When I applied the same steps for the Legacy M body, everything looked fine up until viewing it inworld. The shirts are extremely TINY like microscopic. Because of this, when I right click and add the shirt it is fully rigged however its stretched out and looks weird because originally it's smaller but when worn it stretches out to the avatar size... Im not sure what is causing this or how to work around it?
  5. I wouldn't classify this as "Racism" due to the fact that Vampires do not belong to a cultural or ethnical group, they are rather creatures. Also, sadly this doesn't violate any of second life's TOS or any rules and regulations. If the sim owner has a preference to not allow vampires, furry's or animal characters on his or her sim, that's just his or her regulations and neither would classify as "racist". The only way you can go around this is per say, change your avatar temporarily or like others stated simply create an ALT who doesn't have vampire huds or aesthetics and gift yourself the gift. It's kind of silly and I do believe that everyone should be able to experience free speech and free expression in second life. It shouldn't matter if you are an alien or monkey, however from my knowledge there were vampires years ago who weren't following regulations and it basically turned into a few bad eggs spoiling the whole dozen.
  6. I was wondering if it was possible to buy a prepaid CREDIT card ($5, $10, $25) and when set up through paypal is it possible to purchase your Lindens through PayPal? I see a lot of forums about Second Life not accepting prepaid credit cards but with through PayPal why wouldn't it work? It sounds like it should but I don't want to take a risk and have a prepaid credit card with nothing to spend it on.
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