Okay so I am aware as a premium plus member, we are entitled to 2,048 sqm of land free of fees each month and anything going above that would set the fee to the next tier I believe. At the moment, I have a Linden Home in Bellisseria (1,024 sqm) and a plot of land on the mainland (1,024 sqm) that I use for working on creating clothes which combined, uses up the 2,048 sqm which keeps my monthly premium fee $29.99.
Suppose.. I purchase another 1,024 sqm of land..which sets me at 3,072 sqm total, subtracted by the 2,048 sqm that I am entitled too equaling....does this mean I will now be charged a monthly fee of $7? Also, does that $7 add to the $29.99 on the next billing date or would such actions acquire 2 separate monthly bills? I am a little confused, thanks in advanced for the kind soul that will take time out of their busy day to help me with this puzzle..