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Indy Inglewood

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Everything posted by Indy Inglewood

  1. Thanks Rolig and Dora...but doh! I realized I put llGetLocalRot in the message title here instead of llTargetOmega! I am sooo silly sometimes! Dora...I will still play around with the numbers--and yes I tried spinrate at -0.026 to no avail. Seems like every time I tried using a number lower than that, it just did nothing. And gain...not even sure what that does. Seems to be irrelevant? Still gonna look at llSetKeyframedMotion too! Rolig, I will explore llSetText. But now I am thinking...instead of rotating the entirie dome, maybe rotate the texture on the dome instead, using llSet TextureAnim. I tried that last night and it seems to move a LOT slower than I could get using llTargetOmega to rotate the dome. Which is my goal. But having a bit of difficulty using it on a hemisphere instead of a sphere...mapping the sky textures correctly. I'd like to use the hemisphere instead of a whole sphere...sigh...so much to learn. Thank you for your ideas and if anyone else has any, please keep them coming!
  2. Hi, I have a sphere - a hemisphere really - that I am using for a sky dome. In it, I have a simple rotation script, called by a menu where I can also change textures. I want the sky to rotate verrry slowly, barely perceptibally. Kind of like a real sky. I am using llGetLocalRot. I seem to be up against some kind of "minimum limit." I created variables for axis, spinrate, and gain to play with it, but it seems I cannot go with any lower values, or fractions in some cases, no matter which way I switch the numbers around. For instance, using the variables below, when I switch any of them to be less than what they are, then run the script, rotation does not happen. Any help greatly appreciated! // llTargetOmega variables vector AXIS = <0,0,.026>; float SPINRATE = -1; float GAIN = 1; ...(snipped code to function call...) if (_option == "ON") llTargetOmega(AXIS,SPINRATE,GAIN);
  3. Hi, I am just starting to use Poser Pro 2010, and I want to create some simple poses in Second Life with it (no long animations right now, just poses to use on photography shoots in world). I tried following the steps described in the following thread, and downloaded the Avatar Mesh zipped file linked there in the Creating Animations in Poser section. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_create_animations However, when I follow the instructions in the zip file, and copy the SL Avatar folder to the Poser Pro 2010\Runtime\Libraries\Character folder, when I try to find the file in Poser, it cannot recognize any file in it as a "runtime" file. I cannot seem to even manually open the SL_Female.obj and SL_Male.obj files in the SL Avatar folder in Poser. I note in the thread that the instructions are specific to earlier versions of Poser. Anyone out there using Poser Pro 2010 who can give me a way to start using it to create poses for male and female avatars? Thanks in advance for any advice!
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