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Xilin Yifu

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Posts posted by Xilin Yifu

  1. Hi all!

    My colleague Singh Albatros and I are looking for a clothing maker to make some mesh clothing and footware for our students from Indonesia that can be used in both SL and in OpenSim (home base in Kitely). We have a number of high school students that we need clothing for and will also need a hijab in a variety of colours.

    We are willing to negotiate a proper price.

    If you are interested please send a notecard to either Kaylee West or Singh Albatros in SL (and / or Chris Mooney-Singh and Kaylee West in OS).

    Thank you!



  2. Hi Alwin,

    Thanks for letting me know. I was in China with limited access to the internet at the time and was struggling to work out where to post my request.



  3. Hi all!

    My colleague Singh Albatros and I are looking for a clothing maker to make some mesh clothing and footware for our students from Indonesia that can be used in both SL and in OpenSim (home base in Kitely). We have a number of high school students that we need clothing for and will also need a hijab in a variety of colours.

    We are willing to negotiate a proper price.

    If you are interested please send a notecard to either Kaylee West or Singh Albatros in SL (and / or Chris Mooney-Singh and Kaylee West in OS).

    Thank you!



  4. Hi Xiija! Thanks for the reply. I have the SDK. Maybe I am missing something, but I can't find how to make the bullets fired by the NPCs actually do VICE damage on people and vehicles that have VICE HUDs. I will keep searching! Thanks again!

  5. I have what I hope is not a unique problem in the SL combat community. I have built an NPC enemy combat system that works fine with ordinary physical bullets and a simple open source HUD. However, the group / region that I do combat roleplay in (IndoChina - hi Sydney!) uses VICE weaponry. I love using VICE, but I have have hit the problem of VICE weaponry needing to be attached to an avatar (or sat on) for bullets to do damage  Does anyone have any thoughts on how my NPCs could have VICE scripts added (to give and take damage) that would activate without being attached to or sat on by an avatar? Any guidance hugely appreciated. Kaylee
  6. I realise this is an old thread but I thought I'd give it a try anyhow. I have what I hope is not a unique problem in the SL combat community. I have built an NPC enemy combat system that works fine with ordinary physical bullets and a simple open source HUD. However, the group / region that I do combat roleplay in (IndoChina - hi Sydney!) uses VICE weaponry. I love using VICE, but I have have hit the problem of VICE weaponry needing to be attached to an avatar (or sat on) for bullets to do damage  Does anyone have any thoughts on how my NPCs could have VICE scripts added (to give and take damage) that would activate without being attached to or sat on by an avatar? Any guidance hugely appreciated. Kaylee

  7. Hi again everyone,

    Just to let you know that the following change to the script fixed the problem:


    html = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<head><style type=text/css>body {background-color:White} </style></head><body>" + UTFText + "</body>";


    Thank you very much to Phate, Chaser and everyone for responding and your suggestions. I am extremely grateful.


    See you inworld!



    Kaylee  :x

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  8. Wow! Thank you all so much for getting back to me on this and so quickly with so much detail! I really, really appreciate it. I will give the various suggestions a try and let you all know how I go.

    Cheers and many, many thanks.


  9. Hi all. I sent the following issue to the Lindens in a ticket. They replied and made a lot of effort to try and solve my problem, but in the end they couldn't solve it and suggested I re-post my issue to the forums. Sorry for the long post. Any guidance hugely appreciated ?
    For the last couple of years my students have been using a HUD (see above) I designed to allow chatted text in Chinese characters output by the NPCs in our region to display on a prim face using the following:
    html = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + llEscapeURL(html);
    llSetPrimMediaParams(0, // Side to display the media on.
                    PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY,TRUE, // Show this page immediately
                    PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL,html, // The url currently showing
                    PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL,html, // The url if they hit 'home'
                    PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS,100, // Height/width of media texture will be //512
                    PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS,220]); // rounded up to nearest power of 2.}
    Up until I installed the latest version of Firestorm (5.1.7 (55786)) yesterday, the prim face was always white, so the text displayed clearly on the HUD. From yesterday, the prim face turns very dark (see attached photos) as soon as the text is sent to the prim face (via llListen). The Chinese character text can still be read, but it is very hard as the prim face is so dark.
    I did contact the Firestorm help group and they suggested I try the latest SL viewer, which I did. The result was the same as for the Firestorm viewer. They suggested that if this is the case I should contact you to see if you might be able to give me any leads as to what might be suddenly causing this problem.
    My students will be starting lessons in the next week and I am really concerned that this problem is going to make it difficult for them to complete the tasks set. Any guidance would be hugely appreciated.
    If you would like to obtain a copy of the HUD (Chinese Island HUD KV21 (WEAR OR ATTACH)) for testing, one can be obtained at the following location by clicking the red sign "Chinese Island HUD":
    To get the NPC there to say something to you, please input the following into chat:
    /3 你好
    This will cause him to respond with 您好.
    Once again, any guidance you can offer would be hugely appreciated.
    Thank you!



  10. How sad! Santorini seems to be gone! When I went to the region, there is nothing there resembling anything described in earlier posts. There are just a couple of ordinary houses. How can such a purportedly beautiful location and such an amazing community just disappear in such a short time? Did I get the location wrong? I searched for Santorini on the map and also in inworld search and only came up with one location.

    I am hoping that I am wrong, but it seems even such seemingly robust communities can completely disappear in a matter of days or weeks. If anyone has any news about what happened I would love to hear it.


  11. Hi Innula and Void,

    Thank you both very much for your suggestions.

    I tried out Void's suggested approach and it worked well for the LL viewer I tested. Now I am going to see if our IT people can add the extra setting into the Viewer 2 shortcut before they push the software + shortcut out to the computers in our computer lab. If they can, this will certainly be a big improvement on our current situation.


    Thank you both very much for taking the time to respond.





  12. Hi All,

    I was wondering if there is a way to control preference settings in Viewer 2 via scripting? For example, when my students view Chinese characters in an IM or in general chat based on the standard default settings, the characters are too small. I could get them to go into 'Preferences' / 'Chat' and then change the font size from medium to large, but with 130 students it is a time consuming task when they should be focusing on the lesson content.

    I have made a multi-purpose HUD that can a number of things that makes their learning experience easier, such as adding a button that sets their camera in a particular way so that their cameras are not affected when in small spaces. All they have to do is click the camera icon on my HUD and select from a popup menu and it's done. I would like them to be able to do the same with font size and maybe other settings like draw distance.

    Any leads would be hugely appreciated.

    Xilin Yifu

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