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Simon Sugita

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Everything posted by Simon Sugita

  1. I am scripting a flying droid for several years now (soon 2 be released as a buyable object on SLX!), and I am trying to improve it's 'Recovery Routine Behavior' this is a lil code that I made so it will refind the target that it was following before it lost track of it. I will list the schematics here so you all can re-use these in your own projects but I do this also so you can comment and give feedback because even I miss things sometimes, and multiple eyes see more then 2,. So when U see any non logical steps and/or you miss something please let me know, or/and ask ahead and I'll try to explain why I did that and if your way is better I'm glad to use that, TY already! First off I will list all the possibilities that will fire a no_sensor when we were following a target with the sensor event: The sensors did not pick the target up due to an problem with them (error/bug/glitch, hit max limit, out of range, ..)The target disappeared of the S.L. grid (re-log, crash, was deleted, went off-world, ..)The target crossed a sim border and is in adjacent sim.The target TPed to another location.The target went into a no object entry parcelThe target went into a no script parcel?Dunno which but I bet there also could be another reason caused the sensor to loose its target?These are all I could think off, after you all gave your ideas about this I will post part 2 were I will discuss the ways to solve these diffrent 'I lost my target' aka no_sensor triggered events.
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