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Sylver Bu

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Everything posted by Sylver Bu

  1. I'm fairly new to meshing (only.. 3-4 months under my belt) but I've learned enough to function well and fast. I've rigged quite a few meshes already, but since these are stock meshes i'm practising on, their joint positions don't conform to the default Second Life Armature. In the process of Rigging, I adjusted the locations of the joints within 'Edit Mode' in Blender, and selected the geometry then 'made real'. I've tried exporting two ways: 1) Select just the geometry, export with 'Triangles', and 'Selection Only'. Mesh uploads rigged, but joint offsets are not preserved. Instead mesh conforms to match SL's Armature. 2) Select the Geometry then the Armature i've modified, export using Triangles and Selection only. Mesh uploads rigged, Joints offset correctly but upon detatching the mesh, my avatar /remains/ deformed. I have two friends who have successfully uploaded their own non-conforming meshes through method 1(above), and theirs upload with the correct deformations and the avatar will 'undeform' once the mesh is detatched. What am I doing wrong? I've tried to export from three different computers. Same problem no matter what. I even sent one of my test meshes to a friend whose been successful and he got it to upload flawlessly. I followed the -exact same procedure- as he did and the mesh refuses to upload with the correct joint offsets unless i select my armature upon export (which like i said, causes the avatar to remain deformed upon detatch)
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