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dulcinelas Flow

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Everything posted by dulcinelas Flow

  1. Last names were fun to have, I wish they would go back to how it used to be...
  2. This should be in parcels for rent, not in here since it is not a full region for sale.... :smileyhappy:
  3. Hello, I need to hire people to pet my meeroos, you will need to come at the same time everyday and pet them. You will be able to take as many shifts as you can. Please contact me inworld at dulcinelas Flow Thank you
  4. Im looking to buy a full region, please send me a nc inworld with your price. Thank you so much.
  5. Hello all, Im looking for people to pet my meeroos, I will hire you for 30 mins for 300L and you will be given a HUD to wear and pet them. (you can be hired as many times you want as long as Im on and there is an hour gap in between jobs) IM dulcinelas Flow if interested or have any doubts, thank you. 
  6. Hello all, Im looking for people to pet my meeroos, I will hire you for 30 mins for 300L and you will be given a HUD to wear and pet them. IM dulcinelas Flow if interested or have any doubts, thank you.
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