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Timo Ronas

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Posts posted by Timo Ronas

  1. hey, i see its been a while since youve posted an update. I myself have taken some video game design classes in college and i am EXTREMELY interested in getting the occulous rift working in SL. I am also wanting to get my hands on the dev kit so i can start working on making VR videos using 360 degree cameras so you can revisit memories and such. anyway, i just wanted to hear how its comming along and ask if you would be willing to share your work thus far and offer a download of your viewer so others could possibly help build on it or add to it.

  2. yea i didnt freeze transformations or delete history, but thats because i just did that quickly as an example. ive made complex models where i did try triangulating and deleting history and everything. but in every single case, i always get these imaginary suraces that seem to appear when i upload into SL. ive tried merging verticies to make sure there are no verts that are extremely close together or overlapping faces but nothing seems to work. i guess you just cant use booleans in SL period :-/

  3. So im using Autodesk Maya 2010 and whenever i use a boolean difference to cut a hole in geometry, obviously it works fine in maya. it looks okay, and i can even render it and it looks fine. however, when i save it as a .dae file and upload it to SL, wherever i made the boolean difference cut, there is a black untexturable face covering my hole. for example, if i make a simple cube, then make another cube and use a boolean difference between the two to make the first  cube have a cube shaped hole in it, in SL the cube shaped hole will have a black triangle shapped face covering half of the square shaped hole.


    i know its kinda hard to explain, but has anyone else had a problem using booleans? or should you just not use booleans for SL mesh?

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