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chloe Pennyfeather

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Everything posted by chloe Pennyfeather

  1. When I log in I have intense lighting that creates shadowing on the avatars face.. This jsut happened all of a sudden and it happens in two viewers. I am NOT using a facelite ... previous answers assumed that. I have tried adjusting the graphicd slider to low. I have all different sky presets nothing changes the "overexposed" contrasting appearance I have tried adjusting the gamma button but again nothing relieves the shadowing Anybody have any ideas
  2. On both viewers SL and Firestorm all of a sudden when I log in I have too shadowing on my av. Tries Graphics sliders to low Tried playing with sky presets nothing makes it smooth and natursl Is there a tutorial on the settings to make your avlook natural ! Just a recent problem
  3. For some reason my avatar just sits when I pose on a pose ball. The partner's ball works fine. This is not about missing the 'animate' window The animate window does not appear on the balls I have tried. I have not made any changes to any settings that I am aware of
  4. Fpr some reason my avatar just sits when I pose on a pose ball. The partner's ball works fine. This is not about missing the 'animate' window The animate window does not appear on the balls I have tried. I have not made any changes to any settings that I am aware of ?
  5. I have a paypal account set up and I want to pay my annual premium membership in advance. Its not clear to me how I make the payment on the website
  6. Log in failure .... when I try I get a window that says cannot connect to a simulator But this only happens on one of my avs ? The other logs in ok
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