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Azure Twine

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Posts posted by Azure Twine

  1. It has to do with your graphics card and it's ability to handle all that rendering of textures.  If I have World of  Warcraft and Photoshop open then launch SL, some of my stuff renders as black.sometimes it will eventuallly correct itself.

  2. The OP had their questioned answered hours ago like in the first couple of replies, yet she continued to ridicule, bait and otherwise be nasty.  She also dismissed the proposed solutions for one reason or another (I don't know how to find a fax machine).


    Clearly her parents are NOT aware of the situation so that is why many of us suggested she tell them and have them sort it out.  Sorry, I tend to go into parent mode when a CHILD does something inappropriate.


    My final point is, I am pretty sure that Linden Lab does not do an IP ban for a single age verification offense.  In fact, on more than one occasion I have AR'd an underage person from within SL and they were still able to log in for days and even weeks beyond that.  If you want proof of that, check out their "police blotter" page. http://secondlife.com/support/incidentreport.php  It appears to be borked but what else is new.  I have seen many instances of age violations where just a warning was issued or a temporary suspension.

  3. Yeah, well I didn't lie about my age and get my whole household banned from SL, so who is the dumb one?


    Spelling is spelling, doesn;t mean I am dumb.  Intelligence is not measured by how well you spell. Some people on these forums have english as their second or even third language, get over yourself.  Correcting people and calling them dumb does absolutely nothing to endear us to you.  To me you sound like a spoiled little brat.  There is such a thing as respecting your elders or don't they teach that in the UK?  Well apparently they don't have fax machines, so maybe not?

  4. LOL wow, did I hit a raw nerve?  If you would get your head out of your bum you will see that I also answered your question as well as many people here.   And no, you didn't "mess up".  You seriously need to get that what you did was not like breaking a vase.  Your little lie could have caused some very serious problems for people who do not even know you or have any responsibility for you.  The thought of a 14 year old in the adult grid scares the hell out of me.  There are things that make me cringe and blush that happen in the Adult grid.  Exposing a teen to such things out of context could be very traumatizing.  YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT


    You had your question answered, over and over again!!  Tell your  parents for god's sake and let them help you sort it out.  That is part  of their job!!


    You seem to be waiting for some magical answer  that will allow you to avoid telling your parents.


    I did my parenting, thank you very much.  When my children were 14 they did not have unsupervised access to the internet.  Well at that time I think it was more the Bulletin Boards you dialed into rather than the internet. They are fully grown adults and guess what, even now they take responsibility for their own actions.  You want people to treat you like you are more mature?  Then act more mature!



  5. She can read the FAQ.  She is here not for help in solving the problem, she is here to try and solve it without telling her parents.


    You make it sound like she broke a vase or something.  Real Life people can go to Real Life prison over interacting with a minor in the Adult grid.  And at least in the US, you are Real Life branded as a sex offender for the rest of your Real Life.  Yep, get your name on a shiny website and everywhere you move to you have to register so they can, in turn, let the public know.


    And even though people have tried to tell her what needs to be done, she gets snippy and pissy with them because it is not what she wants to hear, even correcting one person's grammer.  I would have no problem hearing that she is not allowed on either grid until she is of proper legal age, 18.  If she were my child that is EXACTLY what would happen.  Sounds harsh?  If she were my child I would have known what she did before the ban happened.  14 years old and her internet access is unsupervised?  I would probably have a few choice words for her parents as well.

  6. First let me say that if you were my child, I would ground you from unsupervised internet use for a very long time!


    Second, you don't sound remorseful to me.  You lied about your age, lying is bad.  You admit you know that.  The thing is, you don't even seem to comprehend, let alone be remorseful for, the danger you put everyone in the SL Adult Grid that came in contact with you in.  It's as if you walked into a stripper bar and said, yeah but I only wanted to use the loo.  Sorry, life doesn't work that way and at least in the US, laws don't work that way.


    You have been provided with the solution to your problem many times here.  It isn't going to change.  Faxes are not common in the UK?  How in the heck do they do business there then? Faxes are old school technology and I find it extremely difficult to believe that they are not used in the UK.  So scan your passport and attach the file to the ticket, or the email.


    It sounds to me as if you are trying to fix this before your parents find out.  So not only did you lie and cause this mess, you are also not willing to "adult up" and take responsibility for your actions.  You may as well deal with it now, because even though you teens think us old folks are dumb, we aren't!!  In my household, if you pulled a stunt like this and did not own up to it, your punishment would increase for the double lie.


    The solution is, tell your parents and have them assist you in sorting it all out.  I'm sure they have access to a fax machine or know how to scan a document and attach it to an email.  I think you are afraid they will punish you as I would which shows that you are not remorseful at all.


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