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Jacks Hammerer

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Everything posted by Jacks Hammerer

  1. It's been stuck at both of my places also,They claim they fixed it but no changes at all.
  2. Everytime i try using the latest ati drivers i keep getting a strange bug where the alph layers on my feet dont hide all of the skin,If i use older drivers its fine sadly Sl runs alot better with the latest Ati drivers,This problem seems to be on all viewers and 3rd party viewers,I've done the usually things uninstall graphic drivers before new one is installed,Cache clear of viewer and it still does it,Any help would be appreciated,Thanks.I have tried disabling Vbo doesnt help but thank you.Well tried a few suggestions on here and no luck it just seems to want to bleed the skin layer of av thru alpha layers of any kind ,So i guess i'll just stick to the older driver that doesnt run Sl as smooth,Thanks everyone who replied.
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