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Sasha Ferd

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  1. Hi, I'm not really a high level coder, but I threw this together and stuck it in a cube I rezzed. default { state_entry() { list test; integer count; for(count=0; count<=llPow(2,20); count++) { test+=count; llOwnerSay((string)llGetListLength(test)); } } } I got stack heap collision at 3846 on mono, and 472 without mono. Dunno if anyone's interested in this thread or if this is helpful at this point.
  2. Hi All, Found my issue, turns out SL doesn't like it if you have a texture with transparent parts assigned to your mesh, (I was trying to do a car with tinted windows). I made the windows into a separate object and gave them their own texture, made a new no transparency texture for the rest of the car and hasta lasagna it all displayed as expected.
  3. Hi All, I had this problem, with a mesh that wasn't mine. Turned out that some of the faces/vertices were doubled up so that they would face in both directions and i guess SL just gets rid of one on upload, not always the correct one. Solved it by merging vertices by distance and then flipping any faces one by one that were facing the wrong way recalculate normals outside after that. Nevermind, that didn't actually work, but i'm convinced it was part of the problem
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