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Carol902 Goldshark

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Everything posted by Carol902 Goldshark

  1. Have win 7 64-bits using Nvidia graphics card. screen freezes in some venues while looking around or moving. My screen used to freeze and go black, then I updated my driver, but screen is still freezing and unfreezing. Lasts for only a few seconds, while freezing but will not quit freezing.
  2. when clicking on sex poseball and sit, it does not give the option to animate. Is there somewhere to click to make your avator animate. My husband is clicking on the poseball for male and it has him sit, but it won't give him the animate me question and option, so he just sits. I can click on the ball for female and the animate me option comes up. I was wondering if he might have turned an option off by accident in his preferences or some place else that would allow this question to pop up. He has clicked his notifications off a time or two so not sure what is happening. He will animate if the poseball is self animating but not if he has to click on that option, since it doesn't show. It is not hidden behind the controls since he doesn't have them up either.
  3. I bought a Chakuzi Bad (this is what they called it) and want to resize it to fit in my linden home. Can I do this or is it not allowed? It says (no copy) (no modify) (no transfer). I might have messed up buying this one. New here.
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