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Kia Sierota

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Posts posted by Kia Sierota

  1. My ability to make my own skins is somewhat lacking at this time so I'm looking to commission a quality texture for the TWI mesh wolf. I should add that I'm looking to get a dog texture bordering on realism than cartoonish, but I'll consider my options if it comes down to it. I'm not terribly picky on artists though so message away! I'm open to negotiating prices, and whatnot.


  2. Hello!

    I'm a student getting into programming for a living. While I'm working on other programming languages, I'm kind of motivated to try out LSL as well. I only know a meager amount about LSL in general, but I know enough to change around already-written code. I'd like to write my own from scratch however.

    I'm not actually sure where to begin though. I'm already googling beginner guides as I type, but any other advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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  3. So my photography skills are sub-par, but I'd love to get myself some kind of neat profile picture of the avatar I'm consistently wearing. The catch is that it's a feral animal avatar, but I've only had luck finding those who work with human models for custom photographs. I'm not looking for anything fancy, but it'd be nice to have something pretty looking nonetheless.

    If you're interested, feel free to IM me in-world at (kia.sierota). Name your prices, and whatnot. We can negotiate from there!

  4. pony.PNG

    I kind of want to use a texture where half of it is transparent so the back half is gone completely when I upload to SL. When I do it, you can see through the texture where the mouth is pink and the rest is blue, black or even yellow. It's what i want to avoid - make it completely solid on the parts not connected to transparent legs though it's still allowed to have this hollow inside if you cam around.


    Hopefully that makes sense. :catembarrassed:

  5. Hello!

    I've been working on an idea with a premade mesh avatar not made by me. I happen to be texturing it, but somehow this idea may involve the need for "cutting off" parts of it since it's attached together as one.

    Everything I have to add a transparent background, it's impossible to save in jpg and it needs either png or tga for the transparency to work. However, it makes the mesh see-through and that's a big no-no. How do I fix that if it's possible or are there other ways to remove certain body parts without getting the creator involved?

  6. I'm a beginner scripter wanting to know how to use a menu(which I know the basics of it) and have it interact with an object in a way it changes form.

    A friend inspried me to learn how to make a food-eating prim where you choose a food item from the menu and the sphere grows bigger until it inflates from all the size. How do I connect the scripts to end up doing similar?

  7. I'm trying to make a movable back legs(since I don't have a deformer) and I do have puppeteer and I know how to use it if that's what builders use to control the back legs or even the front too on a quad avatar. Is there such a script for the legs to move when you walk and how?

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