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Jimpsky Rhode

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Everything posted by Jimpsky Rhode

  1. This change effects all current and all recent LL viewer versions.
  2.  It used to be that you could drag a script from Inv to the edit window contents, regardless of whether you have the content tab ALREADY selected. If it was not, you simply dragged the script to the tab and it would open the content area for you, to place the script or whatever you want to put there. Conversely for textures, if you happened to have the content or general tab selected, it didn't matter! Now it does, because the tabs are no longer dynamic in this way. This doesn't make sense because it involves another process (Always selecting a particular tab before hand and/or remembering to check), which is an anti-improvement, especially if you already got used to the extra efficiency. Is there a new way of doing this that I'm missing or is it just a permanent bastardisation?
  3.  thnks all Cerise, lol @ ARC Police, I think I know a couple of them. I'll take your advise and ignore the extra computation necessary for rendering planar. Would be interesting to know why this is so, not just speaking for myself.
  4. An inworld scripting instructor told me that planar is slightly more laggy than default. As this was authorative advice I tired using default where ever I could for the sake of getting into good optimising practices. Recently it dawned on me that this might be incorrect lol. SO I started asking around and no one seems to know for certain. If there's no difference I would rather freely use planar :D N.B No guesses please
  5. Dakota Linden wrote: Jimpsky Rhode wrote: Is there a way to quickly apply a new store location Slurl to all your product pages? I couldn't find one. Every time I move location inworld I have to edit zillions of listings one at a time, the same edit for each item. The kind of thing computers should do for us O_O Greetings! When the Second Life Marketplace was set up, each user now has the ability to create a store profile. The store profile contains a link directly to your store location in world. If at any time you need to update the SLurl, you can do so through your Store Profile and the new link will be shown as part of your store profile information. The individual SLurl options on a product listing really should only be used if you are trying to direct a potential buyer to the exact location of the product in your in world store, not just to your store itself, or if it is located in a different region than your in world store. As an example, say you have a Full Region with 4 different themed areas where you sell products. You can use the Store Profile SLurl to direct users to your main landing point at the region, then use the individual SLurls on each listing to direct the user directly to the actual product location so that they can see it rezzed in world. It is not recommended to use the individual product listing SLurl field to provide a landing point to your main store since that can be done through your Store Profile page. If your store location changes, you will need to update all individual listings if you have used that field instead of just being able to update your Store Proflie information. Regards, Dakota Linden -- Linden Lab SL Marketplace Customer Support https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ http://www.secondlife.com I edited them "one at a time" Dak, your reply was surely a bum steer!
  6. yay for Catwise Thanks that's what I wanted...i;e check all + edit hugs
  7.  Thnks dakota It's better to have the inworld store location on the product page…..Do we all feel the same about this? It's easier for the customer. The customer doesn't need to acquire the knowledge that the store location MIGHT be on another page and how to get to it. etc. Hopefully the final solution will be something like checking a bunch of things and coupling them to any number of slurls .
  8. Ah that's a shame they canned it Dar thnks.. never mind I'm in the mood to bog down in something apocaliplically repetitive and life wasting. I wonder why they didn't consider the ability to simply check a bunch of products and assign them to a choice on 'My Slurls' list O_O or something easy like that
  9. Is there a way to quickly apply a new store location Slurl to all your product pages? I couldn't find one. Every time I move location inworld I have to edit zillions of listings one at a time, the same edit for each item. The kind of thing computers should do for us O_O
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