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Marie Laurent

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Everything posted by Marie Laurent

  1. Guys thanks for your help! I figured out how to solve this problem with Maya! All youu need is to duplicate object and click normals/reverse normals! Thats it! My shoe has 2 prims now, but doesnt matter!
  2. thanks i will warch this video a bit later
  3. i get your point even if i am total dumb, this is my first 3d stuff! do you know how can i flip in Maya? i guess its under attributes...Well I'll reduce mesh by 20, 30 percent it will look normal i tried that before!
  4. i am noob a bit, but its mesh! i will open maya now and figure out how to flip and make 2 prims then link them in sl
  5. Hi, i need help! I used Maya to make these stilletos, everything looks fine, but the inside part of the shoe... Why is it transparent??? It really bothers me and bugs me, I cant sell product like this. When I was exporting to fbx_dae and its said this warining While reading or writing a file the following notifications have been raised. Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node Boot2 will lose its geometric information. The node transforms will be saved. Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node transform1 will lose its geometric information. The node transforms will be saved. My question is, is this normal to be transparent inside?
  6. thanks for the response! yes i thought so too! do you know how can I set up this "password protecting service"?
  7. Hi, I have a question...Is it possible to sell lovely full prem sneakers I made without uploading them inworld! I mean I wanted to pack all the textures into magicbox and send .dae scene throught email files to my costumers! I just dont know how people would react to that, because mostly in here people sell already made objects and I can not do that for the next 3 weeks, I am vaiting for my VISA to come
  8. dont worry you will get your moneyback 2 hours,3 or more after!! the thing is that i am the seller and i wont earn any profit! thanks God its fine for now it works again
  9. Wat is going on, is it just me or? I reseted several times my magic box and synced on the market place...10of 11 deliveries today failed for me! Please help I know my costumers will get their money back, but I wont!
  10. I dont know I've heard his experience that he needed to call the support and contact them with phone! Doesnt matter, administrator can lock this subject or delete it! My account is "reactivated", not anymore pending for close! Thanks a lot to the guy who gave me tips, LOL this was so fast solved!
  11. Thank you, I did that! I just dont wanna loose my stuff in which I invested some money
  12. I did this yesterday, they are times when people just explode and wanna leave without the trace. I dont regret if my account will be deactivated or not in 24 hour period, I am kind off indifferent about it all. But what will happen if I dont want it to be cancelled? Under the terms I've read yesterday I've seen that all I need to do is to go back into my account when I get cancelled and then I should unfreeze it and everything will be normal and now my friend told me I'll need to call the support too and that you the Lindens mess it up a bit, why do you complicate? I dont get it :S
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