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Amea Aya

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  1. That seems to have worked! Will need to do a bit more testing to make sure but wow, I can't believe it was that simple I was over thinking it for sure. I did try multiplying but it never occurred to me to divide. Thank you so much!
  2. Hello! It may just be my dumb late night brain but I was struggling with having llSitTarget place the AV in a certain location relative to the prim they are say on regardless of rotation. For example I want the Avatar 3meters below the prim, even if the prim is rotated. It does not need to be smooth. I suspect this is more simple than it appears, but I struggle a lot with rotations, particularly when converting to coordinates. I am using the UpdateSitTarget code from the llSitTarget page, if that can be modified in some way to make it work better. Thank you in advance!
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