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Betony Greggan

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Everything posted by Betony Greggan

  1. Yes, there's one sitting cross-legged on some abandoned land right next to my parcel in Sponsa region, and she hasn't budged for days and days, doesn't respond to IMs. Her "sisters" are camped in just about all the sims around this one, according to my husband who has turned into Mr. Neighborhood Watch over this. I think they've got to be bots, feeding info to some mastermind to pick up on some type of sim activity (land sales?) and place it in their database. OMG, could they be secret Red Zone agents? I've told my hubby to let it go as he is driving me nuts with it. On the other hand, it hacks me off. I'd at least like to know what kind of info they're mining. And Jeez, there's practically nothing going on in this little corner of the world. The group is named !~*Movie Stars*~! and the av by my land is named maxaz Parx. Beyond filing an AR (yeah, right), does anybody have any ideas, esp. about their potential to do harm?
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