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Fritigern Gothly

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Posts posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. 2 hours ago, Emma Krokus said:

    Noticed today:

    - gaps along the alpha cuts in the Maitreya Lara v5.3 body - set to BOM

    - at all altitudes

    - persistant despite relog, change of viewers, resetting avatar skeleton

    hiding and showing body in body HUD


    Anyone else experiencing this? And is there a cure?





    I'm sorry, but you are just wearing a poorly made skin. The edges on that last pic gave it away.
    The creator of this skin thought it would be a great idea to set everything outside (what they thought would be) the visible skin to 100% transparent and these glitches are the result of that.
    Wear a different skin and the problem will disappear, I'm sure.

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  2. 18 hours ago, BillFletcher said:

    This is something she would never do because it is unrealistic.

    I think that is the beauty of SL, we get to do and wear stuff which we never could wear in RL for whatever reason there may be.
    For example, just 3 days ago I took this pic (which I had to blur for the forum :D) and added the following comment 


    Decided to go explore the jungle.
    I know what you are thinking, those boots are no good for exploring the jungle.
    You are right but by golly, do I look amazing!


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  3. It is not a prim. It is your eyebrow shaper, which is really system hair.
    The person who made it simply seems to have made the hair texture all black, shrunk the system hair so that it is inside the system head and left it that way.
    Note that many eyebrow shaper creators set the hair texture to transparent instead of a solid color, but meh.

  4. Yeah, I was confused about that too. 
    The upper body deformer works by just adding it.
    The lower body deformer works by just adding it.
    The feet... you have to take off the Legacy feet before you put on the deformer feet.

    Don't ask me about the logic behind that, it's just how it works.

  5. I think it could be useful to see if there are updated drivers for your graphics card.

    If you are using the drivers that came with Windows, you may need to install the latest drivers of your graphics card's manufacturer which most likely will be Nvidia, AMD, or Intel.

    You can find those drivers on the website of your graphics card manufacturer.

  6. Yeah, I'm sure I am not the first one to figure this out, but here it is, a rainbow made by using nothing but the EEP sliders, no additional textures or whatnot.
    You bet I am proud of myself! :D

    EDIT: So after a little more playing around, I've found that this ONLY works in Ultra graphics, and even then it requires shadows to be ON, even if it is just for sun and moon. If shadows are off, the rainbow does NOT appear.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Emma Krokus said:

    she describes her picture as breaking up into coloured shapes

    Tell her to clear her cache. The colored shapes are a clear sign of a corrupted cache.

    As for the logging out, she may need to find a place with a lot less objects and see if that still happens because maybe she is running out of memory. I mean, she only has 7½ GB of system memory and that fills up really fast on SL and when full, can lead to freezes and crashes.

    One more thing: I don't know what the current driver version for AMD graphics is but it may be worth updating those with the drivers downloaded from the AMD website (never use the ones that come with Windows because they suck and are outdated!)

    Let me know how this ends!

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  8. 5 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    In the upper right hand corner of the viewer you should see an X symbol. You can close the viewer by clicking that, the same way as you close any other window on your computer.

    Not available in Full Screen, as the OP mentioned they are in


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  9. 9 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    This comment was written by the speech recognition app on windows. You can press windows plus H to start. It works in second life too.

    Not useful at all. Try again, but this time keep users of other operating systems in mind.

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