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Lulu Lysette

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Posts posted by Lulu Lysette

  1. It is not true that people who "hate" Viewer 2 will always hate it.  There are some things, for me, that annoy me to no end and I know I'm not alone; however, I really want to use it.  I like the graphics and don't mind the sidebar anymore, but with a broken search function and those huge profiles that take up the whole second life experience, I refuse to use it. 

  2. Why is it that new versions are rolled out with major bugs that were known on the prior release?  Search does NOT work.  It can't find people who are visible.  What is going on?  I keep trying Viewer 2 but there are such huge bugs in it that I go back to Imprudence every time.  I really like the graphics and I can even live with the sidebar...but the fact that search is broken and the profiles take up too much screen real estate is enough for me not to use it.  It's annoying that the blog is posted with such excitement yet no acknowledgement of the issues that people keep mentioning over and over.  That is terrible customer service.

  3. I can't STAND the inventory!  The font they use is so huge, and that goes for search as well.  I can't stand having to page through search rather than getting a nice long list on one page.  And speaking of search...it's broken.  I can't bring up people that I can bring up on another viewer.  Pictures don't match profiles in search either.  Old profile pictures sometimes show up in search, but if you click on the name in the friends list, I get the newer picture that the person has uploaded.  It's just pitiful.

    I once worked for a company that rolled out a pathetic application.  All the people who had to interface with the application knew it was horrible, but the company kept on.  Finally, after TWO YEARS, they bagged it.  They spent so much money on that thing.  Problem is, they didn't get the right people to test and the testing was flawed, so the application was rolled out and doomed for failure.  Viewer 2 is following that path, and if we're lucky, they'll get rid of it and develop something that most of the users really like.

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