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Darla Fanbridge

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Posts posted by Darla Fanbridge

  1. I am creating this new thread, since my previous one had no replies for several days.

    I'd like to ask:

    1.  What kind of lamp in Blender is best suited for using on mesh dresses?

    2.  What pattern should the lamps be positioned in order to give a good shadow and light effect on my dress?

    3.  How many lamps surrounding the dress are sufficient?

    Or, are there any alternatives?

  2. Well, regarding the mesh dress template I purchased on MP last week, while I cannot access the OBJ file to create textures, there may still be a chance for me to create new textures for the dress.  Maybe there is a Notecard inside that explains what to do in texturing, and the Photoshop way may be designed to replace the OBJ file for the sake of efficiency. The package contained UV maps (which depict the grid) and also texture maps (the latter shows the exterior of each side of the skirt, exterior of the top and waist).  I don't have Photoshop anymore (the CS3 is not compatible with Windows 10, from what I learned), but I am sure Paint Shop Pro - which I acquired from a friend in 2007 and is still compatible in Windows 10 -  is a good alternative, which wasn'T free to begin with.  In Paint Shop Pro, I could give the exterior of the skirt, and/or top and/or belt a different texture.  But i do have one question: Could I possibly create the outfit in Blender from the UV map (which depicts the grid)?

  3. Actually I have been learning Blender for over a year and a half now.  When i started in January 2016, I practiced for a while, then took a break after a while, then went back to it weeks later, etc.  I know a lot of the basics now, and i admit, I would like to learn something, and I am going to devote to it, however long it takes.  Plus it would probably be much cheaper to create and upload my creations.

    Creating the dress and texture would be the easy task, and I seem to be on the right track with this.  And the rigging would also be easy too, as I saw a video on YouTube but using an older version of Blender.  I may have to learn how to weight paint in Blender from a tutorial when it comes time to do it.

  4. As for rigging and weight painting, I didn't think you needed to do both for any clothing item.  The way it's heading, I can see myself buying some mesh templates with corresponding OBJ or DAE or other associated files in a matter of time.  It's just that I have to wait until I have excess money in the future.  Money is tight for me at this moment, and I have to try to save money in the coming weeks.

    Do you know if there are any mesh templates of clothing items that have corresponding DAE/OBJ/3DS files for texturing that I can purchase?

  5. Regarding the video I posted earlier this evening, I do have one question.  When in Face select mode in the UV Editor, how do I separate half of the unwrapped object in the UV Map?  The video seems very interesting and suits my needs.

    After learning about circle skirts and gored skirts, I personally think creating a skirt from a UV sphere best suits my desire.  Plus, it's very efficient, it seems.

  6. Well, I believe most mesh skirts in Second Life are circle skirts, but it sounds like, whether it be gored skirts or circle skirts, the stripe effect I wanted is not possible in real life, and whatever way my skirt in Second Life is, I want it to be like in real life, but since stripes appearing vertically on a skirt is not possible in real life, unless it can be done with a gored skirt, I may have to use a different design such as floral print or polka dots, or even solid colors.

    Also, is there a tutorial on how to make a gored skirt in Blender?  And unlike yesterday's post of mine, I'm willing to go with YouTube tutorials, but as a last resort, if no non-video tutorials exist on the Internet.

  7. I remember buying this mesh dress template from Marketplace last week:


    I also wanted to buy the OBJ file, but the link to purchase it in the description is no longer valid for some reason.  Where else can I acquire this OBJ file?

    Are there any mesh dresses of the same variety or with a gored skirt on Marketplace that I could purchase the mesh template and download the OBJ or DAE file for texture baking or 3D painting purposes?

  8. I checked out some diagrams online this morning, and discovered that some gored skirts require only 6 seams, so it's only a matter of starting with a mesh circle, and using just six vertices.  It may seem like it would come out as a hexagon, but I would mark each of the six seams along the skirt, and then using each face along the skirt, subdivide each face, one at a time.

    Am I on the right track with this?

  9. I do admit, I like the gored skirts myself, even though they were popular in the 1950s, and I was born in 1972.  Though I would prefer a midi style myself.

    If multiple seams are needed for the gored skirt, how many vertical seams would be recoomended around the skirt?  And where would the seams be placed?

    Also, is it possible someone could post a diagram on how to shape the hemline on the bottom of a gored skirt?

    The gored skirt reminds me of the Betty Swing Dress available at The Secret Store on Marketplace.  That dress is reminiscent of the 50s.

  10. Very interesting post.  It explains clearly where I went wrong and what to do in this task.

    I do have to ask, what keyboard shortcuts would I have to use in order to show the menu to select edges or faces in the GIF image?


    Also, for an imported .Dae file I already created, most of the faces are triangular.  What UV Unwrap method would I have to use?

  11. Well, I created four separate items: two sleeves, a chest, and a skirt.  I joined them together hitting CTRL+J, then created a seam on the merged object, but not on each of the four items begore joining to form one outfit.

    I hope this clears things up, and I am pretty new to creating mesh outfits in Blender, so I am trying to figure out where i went wrong.

  12. I thought of something else too.  It could be possible I could display the stripes the way I want it by using texture paint.  I am not sure if all you need to do is add the texture to the s,it instantly or if you would have to paint the texture.  Could somebody please post a link to a Texture Paint tutorial?  No YouTube tutorials, please, because they are time consuming to go through as opposed to a tutorial in text and still images.  I tend to learn things fast if it's not a video tutorial.

  13. When rendering a joined object the image showing vertical stripes or other patterns on each joined part (top and skirt),the stripes should appear on the skirt vertically, not diagonally.  What should I do to make the stripes appear vertical on the skirt?  Does it have to do with unequal height and width of the texture, or what is the issue?

  14. If I were to create my own mesh outfit or object from scratch, and upload it to my inventory, would I be allowed to transfer my creation(s) to my friends if I wanted to, or can they only be transferred to others if they are on Marketplace and it is bought by others for a price?

    I understand there are strict rules against copying others' work, which prompted my decision to learn how to use Blender a while back.  Blender is quite fun to use.

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